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museumme - all messages by user

8/7/2015 7:27:51 PM
8/8 gaming I need to bow out tomorrow. Too much to catch up with at work. Hoping to make up for it with a long game day in two weeks.
8/21/2015 5:47:15 PM
8/22 - the game is the thing See you at 1. Would definitely be up for another shot at Marco Polo. Also interested in learning Five Tribes.
9/25/2015 7:18:34 AM
Will the be ABG Gaming this Saturday? Woo hoo. Looking forward to an afternoon off.
10/23/2015 9:23:12 PM
Fourth Saturday of OCT, spoooooooky gaming Make that a 4th for 20th century limited. See you at 1pm.
11/13/2015 3:56:05 PM
gaming, 11/14 After almost 10 months my Kickstarter copy of Orleans has just arrived. I'll bring it with in case there is demand for a "golden oldie."
11/27/2015 7:58:46 PM
Thanksgivingish Gaming 11/27 - On! Count on me. If someone has 7 Wonders: Duel and our numbers offer a leftover of two, I would like to learn the game. I would also like to try Elysium again if someone has it. But mainly I'm thankful for just being able to take some time to play games.
12/8/2015 9:28:00 PM
An unrealized annivesary I remember having some great fun with wonderful gaming partners... but unfortunately 4th of July used to be a workday for me, so I missed the fireworks.
12/10/2015 7:11:13 PM
Gaming for 12/12 I will try to be there - without the blood this time!
12/24/2015 7:16:22 PM
holiday gaming Yes and surprisingly, Yes. I will be there for Sunday afternoon and since Melanie has a Turkish music performance in Vienna, VA late on New Year's Eve, I'll also be joining in the early part of the NYE festivities. Topping my list to play a second time I include Elysium, Mombasa and Marco Polo (I suppose it would actually be my third time - unless it had the expansion, then it would be my first). Still looking for the right moment to learn Seven Wonders: Duels
12/29/2015 5:37:13 PM
New Year's Eve Gaming 12/31 I will be there for the early side 1pm to 6pm, if you are "open for business".
1/5/2016 9:53:11 PM
First Second Saturday of 2016! I will be there for the afternoon. Now have my own copy of "Between Two Cities". If "Ships" is on the table, I'm a partisan of Martin Wallace games and I've missed the opportunity to play "Marco Polo" again in the two December gatherings - so I'm ready for that too.
1/19/2016 9:50:46 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 1/23 Even before the possibility of a foot of snow I was doubtful I could make it. See you after I get back from Florida.
2/11/2016 7:54:19 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, 2/13 I will be there at 1pm and I'm History of the World free (though if someone has the secret of beating the Brief History of the World app please share ... my record is about 3-25 and it is getting a little depressing).
Have not yet had a chance to play German rails.

2/25/2016 8:31:05 PM
4th Saturday gaming - Feb 27th What does Charlottesville offer that Arlington doesn't? You can count on me at 1pm.
2/27/2016 7:45:57 AM
4th Saturday gaming - Feb 27th If there is a fourth place at the table, I'm up for learning Golden Ages as well.
3/24/2016 10:38:40 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 3/26 I'll be there at 1 and I'll be at the table that isn't MoV. Still trying to find the significance of March 27... but I haven't played MoV in about 20 years (when my kids started to make jokes about Stellar Gas) so I may have forgotten a critical detail. I'd give Mombasa another try and the same goes for Steam Time (though I'd need a review of the rules).
4/6/2016 10:35:55 PM
April no-foolin', 2nd Saturday Gaming I expect to be part of the 1pm shift. If we end up with an odd number I wouldn't mind learning 7 Wonders Duel. I will bring with my copy.
4/22/2016 7:53:52 AM
EPIC gaming this Saturday, April 23 My Kickstarter copy of "World's Fair 1893" arrived this week. It's a quick 3 to 4 player game... the rules take less than 10 minutes to learn and it can be played in about 30 min. Hope to get at least one try in on Saturday. I expect to be there close to 1pm.
5/8/2016 10:41:53 PM
Board games, May 14 They now have me down for a root canal at 10:30 on the 14th (yes, the same tooth as Game Days). But if I am not in too much pain, I may show up for a late afternoon/dinner game (soft dinner). I will bring with World's Fair 1893. Also up to try Grand Austrian Hotel again if Scott's there.
6/8/2016 8:05:30 AM
Gaming, 6/11 - On! Plan to be there at 1. I figure I'm at the low end of the food chain, but I'd give it a try.
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