4/5/2016 2:55:59 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
This saturday is the first game day of April! 4/9.
Who's planning on coming by? What would you like to play?
4/5/2016 4:18:30 PM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
We plan on being there for a game or two!
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
4/5/2016 5:57:46 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'll be there. Just wanted to let you know that I have procured COLORED CUBES for the factories in Nippon... and I'd like to play again. I'm still wanting to learn Steam Time... and someone else will probably mention a game and I'll think, "Oh, yeah, that would be good, too." - Chris
4/6/2016 10:35:55 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
I expect to be part of the 1pm shift. If we end up with an odd number I wouldn't mind learning 7 Wonders Duel. I will bring with my copy.
4/6/2016 11:51:55 PM
markmfhhs81 ( Mark Mitchell) Posts: 143 BggId: skinzlover
I may make an appearance, but if I do it won't be until around 5:00 in time for the dinner game.
4/8/2016 12:26:41 PM
Brad ( Brad Jones) Posts: 30 BggId: brad7234
I'm planning to be there. Probably showing up around 5.
I'd love to learn Concordia if there is some interest.
Do people want to play Golden Ages again? (with the expansion?)
Would anyone like to play CO2? I've got a copy, and I don't get to play it much. Same goes for Ginkgopolis, Snowdonia, De Vulgari Eloquentia..
4/8/2016 2:24:24 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I would really like to play CO2. I would need a refresher on the rules, but find it a very tight, competitive game. I have the Salsa (Salt) expansion for Concordia and feel like it does add some nice things to the original, which I like a lot. Chris
4/8/2016 8:07:41 PM
Phil Bauer ( Phil Bauer) Posts: 83 BggId: GamesDirect
I am planning on being there at 1 PM. Happy to play any of the games mentioned, I will also bring Age of Industry, Caverna, and a few fillers. -Phil
4/9/2016 8:24:44 AM
egill ( Ed Gilliland) Posts: 107
I should make the 1:00 shift. Up for another shot at Nippon. Intrigued by Golden Ages expansion. More Mombasa.
4/9/2016 10:46:43 AM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
That's funny- was just thinking about C02 last night. I'm in. Will have Steam Time and Amerigo with me and always enjoy Concordia
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
4/9/2016 12:17:32 PM
markmfhhs81 ( Mark Mitchell) Posts: 143 BggId: skinzlover
I've had a change in plans and won't be there after all, but since I have not heard of almost all of these games listed, it doesn't look like I'm going to miss much. Maybe next time.