1/11/2016 1:37:14 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Following up on the excellent game day this past Saturday, I thought I'd follow up with another on the 4th Saturday. Why not? (Note that the 23rd is a week from this Saturday, lest anyone get confused by the unusually early post) Who plans on being there and what would you like to play? I was happy to get Orleans to the table this last week, where I think we decided that the 'get a cog' building was unstoppable at our current level of play, two games in a row that I was in, that building ran away with the game by a wide margin. We are contemplating using the 'each player removes one building' recommended (in the game itself) variant next time to potentially get rid of it. I would also like to try German Railroads and I'm still up for Marco polo, with or without the expansion.
1/13/2016 2:26:56 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I plan to be there. However I have to consider that I like to make plans for months in advance and Leenie likes to make plans minutes in advance. I'd like to play Ships again, which also makes me want to play Automobile, another Martin Wallace game. If anyone has The Gallerist, I'd be up for that. I've been wanting to play Dungeon Lords for a while now. I'd never turn down Orleans, Navegador, La Granja, and many others. Chris
1/13/2016 4:27:47 PM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
At this point, Molly and I plan to be there. Will bring Mombassa, Steam Time, and Acquasphere
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
1/15/2016 8:33:18 AM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I would like to learn Steam Time and Mombassa... and like Aquasphere and would play, even though I appear to be getting progressively worse at it! Chris
1/15/2016 12:43:16 PM
markmfhhs81 ( Mark Mitchell) Posts: 143 BggId: skinzlover
At this time I am a "maybe". If I'm there, I would play Dungeon Lords and only if we can get 4 players. It sucks to have to use the "NPC" system in that game.
1/19/2016 9:50:46 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
Even before the possibility of a foot of snow I was doubtful I could make it. See you after I get back from Florida.
1/20/2016 10:04:20 AM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
It's looking less and less likely that we'll be able to make it but snow will tell......
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
1/20/2016 11:42:17 AM
Larry L. ( Larry L. ) Posts: 199
If we get the amount of snow that's projected, I definitely won't be showing up. If Mother Nature is kinder to us, then yes, I'll be there. Assuming we do get Snowmageddon, is there any possibility you might choose to host on Saturday the 30th instead, John?
1/21/2016 2:49:29 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
January 30th is a GCOM 5th Saturday event and generally open invitation, I believe. Reach out to Rick if you are interested (or me and I can redirect it to Rick). I would say that gaming is looking unlikely at this point. Obviously, I'll still be around, so if anyone is looking to brave it out, let me know (or, of course, if the snow fizzles). Maybe we can work in an online/ipad game or two as a pseudo game day...
1/29/2016 11:04:09 AM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
FWIW, due to unfortunate circumstances, 5th Saturday gaming has been cancelled for tomorrow
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"