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7/26/2024 5:15:23 PM
4th saturday gaming is on!

Posts: 372
I'm going to try to make it up from Richmond. Pending traffic I should be there in time for a 1 PM start. I'm fine to play most anything, but would like to learn a medium-heavy game since my group down here prefers older mediumer stuff. I'm thinking I can probably stay until or possibly through dinner time.
7/26/2024 11:09:17 AM
4th saturday gaming is on!

Posts: 1231
Gaming is on for tomorrow! No big new games to suggest, but I'm up for anything!

Starting at 1pm... no particular upper limit.

Who is planning to come and what would you like to play?
7/12/2024 1:46:46 PM
Gaming 7/13/24 is on

Posts: 1231
Arlington Board Gamers, assemble!
Your dice-rolling, meeple-placing, card-shuffling extravaganza awaits TOMORROW!
Prepare for a whirlwind of tabletop adventures, where strategies clash and laughter echoes. But first, let's plot our course!
What games are your hearts yearning for? Leave a comment below with your top picks, and let's see if we can satisfy those gaming cravings.
Who's ready to answer the call to adventure? Give us a shout and let us know if you'll be joining the ranks.
The battlefield awaits your command! Let's make this a Saturday to remember.
Game on!

invite text courtesy of gemini.google.com
6/21/2024 12:55:27 PM
Gaming tomorrow, 6/22

Posts: 1231
Gaming is on for tomorrow, 6/22!

I'm still happy to play Path of Civilization, Let's go to Japan (relatively new games I own).

I played Pipeline yesterday and can teach that, if anyone is interested. It's middle to heavy but plays fairly quick for that range (I think yesterday was 2.5 hours, with :30 of that being teaching).

But I am most interested in playing what YOU want to play. What is that?

Or we can try this one from far future me. It won't exist for 200 years, tho:

Quantum Entanglement
In the 32nd century, the game of Quantum Entanglement captivates the galaxy. Players navigate a holographic board representing a multiverse of possibilities, each decision creating ripples across dimensions. Using quantum tokens and entanglement cards, they manipulate probabilities, alter timelines, and forge alliances with alternate versions of themselves.
Victory comes not through brute force, but through mastering the delicate dance of cause and effect. The game demands foresight, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. A single move can collapse realities, create paradoxes, or unlock unimaginable potential.
Quantum Entanglement is more than just a game; it's a philosophical exploration of free will, destiny, and the interconnectedness of all things. Its greatest players are not just strategists, but visionaries who dare to rewrite the rules of existence itself.
6/6/2024 3:57:09 PM
Alliance Board Gaming? On for this saturday!

Posts: 1231
The Force is strong with us this Second Saturday, as we gather once again in our secret base for a day of galactic conquest and camaraderie!

Join us on Saturday, for our next ABG game day.
Jedi Master Llywelyn should be joining us from the grand council.
New Games from a Galaxy Far, Far Away:

  • Let's Go to Japan: Embark on a thrilling journey to the Land of the Rising Sun, where ancient traditions and modern marvels collide.
  • Path of Civilization: Forge your own destiny as you guide your civilization through the ages, from humble beginnings to a glorious empire.
  • Your humble host has tentative dominion over these new games and is eager to share their knowledge with fellow gamers.
    May the Dice Be with You! RSVPs encouraged.
    5/24/2024 12:40:50 PM
    Gaming cancelled for tomorrow due to beach

    Posts: 1231
    Gaming for 5/25 cancelled due to beach trip... sorry for the late notice.
    5/10/2024 1:22:44 PM
    DON'T PANIC! Urgent Transmission from ABGHQ

    Posts: 1231
    Greetings Fellow Galactic Travelers,
    The Pan-Dimensional Vortex of Gaming beckons once more! Arlington Board Gamers is activating the Improbability Drive for our next bi-monthly adventure. Prepare yourselves for an epic odyssey through strategy, dice rolls, and questionable snack choices.
    Essential Coordinates
    Where: ABG CentralWhen: 1pm tomorrowProbability of Awesome: 99.9998% (we checked with Deep Thought)What to Bring
    Your trusty towel (for tears of victory or spilled soda)A keen strategic mind
    A healthy dose of absurdityImportant Note: The universal supply of tea is critically low. Corrective acquisitions are encouraged. *
    RSVP if you dare to navigate the perilous landscapes of board game night! This message will self-destruct in 5…4…3…
    See you on the other side of the board,
    Your Arlington Board Gamers Mission Control

    * I don't really need tea.
    4/29/2024 10:57:54 PM
    4/27 gaming CANCELLED - Urgent Dispatch!

    Posts: 340
    Hope you're feeling better and getting back your energy!
    4/25/2024 7:34:39 PM
    4/27 gaming CANCELLED - Urgent Dispatch!

    Joe Casadonte
    Joe Casadonte
    Posts: 380
    Yeeps! Feel better, my friend!
    4/25/2024 1:58:30 PM
    4/27 gaming CANCELLED - Urgent Dispatch!

    Posts: 1231
    Greetings, my fellow tacticians and champions!
    A foul beast, a foe most unwelcome, has laid siege to my very insides! This wretched ailment, a gremlin of the gut if you will, has forced me to retreat and lick my wounds within the sterile halls of the healers' keep (otherwise known as the hospital).
    Therefore, with heavy heart, I must announce the postponement of our glorious 4th Saturday board game campaign! Fear not, brave adventurers, for this setback is but a temporary skirmish. We shall regroup and resume our epic battles as soon as I am fit to wield the dice once more!
    In the meantime, I urge you all to hone your strategies, polish your miniatures, and fortify your snack reserves. When I return, the clashes will be all the more ferocious!
    I shall send a raven (or, more likely, an email) with a new date for our board game conquest as soon as the healers declare me fit for battle.
    Until then, may the dice favor you, and may your bellies be ever full of victory rations!
    With valiant apologies,
    P.S. Should any of you possess potent elixirs or legendary healing spells, please send them my way at your earliest convenience!
    P.P.S. I'm out of the hospital and back at work, just very low in energy, I'm sure I'll be back on my feet for 2nd saturday of may.
    4/12/2024 12:21:45 PM
    4/13 gaming awaits!

    Posts: 1231
    A cryptic scroll has been unearthed, bearing the sigil of ABG. It whispers of a challenge:

    Where: The Kerr Cavern (normal place)

    When: The second Saturday unfolds, 1pm+

    Quest: Conquest of the cardboard realms

    Will you answer the call, brave heroes?

    3/22/2024 12:58:42 PM
    3/23 gaming is on!

    Posts: 1231
    To my esteemed colleagues and cunning cyborgs,

    I extend an urgent summons. A critical nexus point, where strategy and intellect collide, will form tomorrow at the first hour past noon. Engage your logic engines and tactical subroutines for an afternoon of board game domination. Let us prove whether organic minds or synthetic circuits reign supreme!

    In order to calibrate the Trans-Dimensional Gateway and ensure sufficient energon reserves, please transmit a confirmation signal if you will be able to attend this momentous occasion.

    May your processors run cool and your algorithms be ever-victorious!


    Your Host

    JaKayaton Prime
    3/8/2024 10:56:59 AM
    Gaming 3/9 is on

    Posts: 1231
    Who's in for some gaming tomorrow, 3/9?

    Special achievement is we only have to game until 2am to game until 3am!

    What would you like to play?
    2/24/2024 12:49:14 AM
    Gaming 2/24/24

    Posts: 1231
    Opps, domain errors for a little while there.

    Howdy doo!

    So I was worried, I woke up last night with a dry cough for a while. It doesn't appear to have progressed into anything and I'm feeling ok now, but I guess I could be fighting something in the background. If something reasserts, I will say.

    If that doesn't scare you off, gaming is on for tomorrow!

    Who thinks they're up for it? What's going on with you? Doing well?

    Before we have the next game day we will have sprung back! How about that?

    Sorry for the health wishy washiness, but all I can think to do is say what's up and let you decide!
    2/8/2024 4:16:43 PM
    Special Guest game day!

    Posts: 1231
    Hey, Gaming is on this Saturday!

    Plus, we have a visit from our old friend, Llywelyn, who is flying in that very afternoon and joining us right from Dulles.

    What better reason to come out than to game with an old friend?

    Who is coming and what do you want to play?
    2/3/2024 3:00:03 PM
    Wyrmspan Interest?

    Posts: 533
    Hi all! Thinking of preordering Wyrmspan from Stonemaier games at the champion price of 45. I can get a second. Would anyone in the group be interested? Need to know today.



    1/26/2024 9:53:22 AM
    1/27 gaming is on!

    Posts: 1231
    The snow is pretty much gone, but it's wet and muddy outside, a good time for gaming!

    Who's up for some gaming tomorrow, Jan 27th? What would you like to play?
    1/12/2024 11:48:45 AM
    Lucky Saturday the 13th gaming is on!

    Posts: 1231
    I appear to have finally broke my anti-wellness streak and am hosting gaming tomorrow!

    I do need to cut off around 9, which isn't much of an issue nowadays.

    1pm! Who can make it and what do you want to play?
    12/22/2023 4:55:47 PM
    12/23/23 gaming cancelled

    Posts: 437
    Anyone up for gaming online tomorrow instead? We have something in the morning but I hope to be back by 1:30 at the latest.

    12/22/2023 1:29:56 PM
    12/23/23 gaming cancelled

    Posts: 1231
    Sorry for the late notice, but I seem to have picked up another bug. I'm not sure what's making me so susceptible lately. It doesn't seem like anything serious, but the last thing I want to do is make anyone sick for the holidays.

    Apologies again and I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas, maybe with a game or two under the tree!
    pages: 1 2

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