4/20/2016 11:56:38 AM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Ok, maybe not EPIC, but I thought if I included it in the title we could get Tim to show up.
Unless, of course, you consider every game day with you fine folks EPIC, which I do.
We'll start at 1pm. Go until, you know, whenever.
Who's coming? Bringing anything interesting? What do you want to play?
4/20/2016 1:41:35 PM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
We'll be there at start for a few hours at least!
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
4/20/2016 4:01:41 PM
rbynaker ( Rick Bynaker) Posts: 437 BggId: rbynaker
Cheryl is out of town this weekend but I'm hoping to make it.
I've been out of gaming for a while so I'd need to be taught the new stuff. Hopefully I will be less brain dead by Saturday!
4/21/2016 8:45:59 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'll be there! I will play anything! Don't know how long I'll stay, though. Chris
4/22/2016 7:53:52 AM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
My Kickstarter copy of "World's Fair 1893" arrived this week. It's a quick 3 to 4 player game... the rules take less than 10 minutes to learn and it can be played in about 30 min. Hope to get at least one try in on Saturday. I expect to be there close to 1pm.
4/22/2016 2:15:08 PM
Brad ( Brad Jones) Posts: 30 BggId: brad7234
I hope to be there, and I anticipate arriving around 5pm and staying till around 11. I'd still love to learn Concordia if there is interest.
I'm also down for another game of Ginkgopolis.
I'm intrigued by Imperial, and if people are enthusiastic about it, I'd be interested in learning.
4/22/2016 2:15:22 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
Ahhhh... I remember the Worlds Fair as a child. I would love to play that, Marvin! Sign me up. Chris
4/23/2016 12:58:06 AM
markmfhhs81 ( Mark Mitchell) Posts: 143 BggId: skinzlover
I plan on being there, but don't know what time yet. It'll be sometime in the afternoon. I was looking forward to playing something Epic, but the John crushed all my hopes and dreams.
4/23/2016 10:08:58 AM
Sheila ( Sheila ) Posts: 265 BggId: Sheila
Count me in for World's Fair 1893. 7.8 on the Geek right now. Wow.
I've never been to a World's Fair. I should try to make that happen sometime.
I'd also like to play Ginkopolis.
I'll bring my copy of La Grandja (Thanks, Bob!)