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chrisbrandt - all messages by user

12/26/2015 2:21:02 AM
holiday gaming I'll be there. I don't know Elysium or Mombasa but would like to learn. Marvin, please bring 7 Wonders Duel. If we get the opportunity to play it I would like to try it.
Christmas Present-wise, Leenie stunned me with MegaCivilization. I won't be bringing it... until I figure out a way to carry around a 22 pound game in a wooden Twilight Imperium-sized box.

12/29/2015 2:24:07 PM
New Year's Eve Gaming 12/31 I probably won't be able to make it... although if I do, it would be very late... 9 PM or so.
1/8/2016 6:57:04 AM
First Second Saturday of 2016! Change of plans...
I WILL be there, probably only until Dinner time, but would love to learn Ships. I'm always up for Marco Polo. I don't know much about Between Two Cities, but have heard enough to make me want to learn it. The new Through the Ages sounds good, too, but might be a tad long.
1/13/2016 2:26:56 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 1/23 I plan to be there. However I have to consider that I like to make plans for months in advance and Leenie likes to make plans minutes in advance.
I'd like to play Ships again, which also makes me want to play Automobile, another Martin Wallace game. If anyone has The Gallerist, I'd be up for that. I've been wanting to play Dungeon Lords for a while now. I'd never turn down Orleans, Navegador, La Granja, and many others.
1/15/2016 8:33:18 AM
4th Saturday gaming, 1/23 I would like to learn Steam Time and Mombassa... and like Aquasphere and would play, even though I appear to be getting progressively worse at it!
2/10/2016 10:25:46 AM
2nd Saturday gaming, 2/13 I'm in! ... and also in for History of the World.
I have had a long personal gaming drought and this is just the answer.
Exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2/22/2016 7:31:16 AM
New to the area Hi Brad. I didn't want you to think that nobody would talk to you. Big Grin You have the information correct, 2nd and 4th Saturdays. I (and I'm guessing most others) have another game night. A handful of my friends meet anywhere from Springfield to Gainesville on most Wednesday nights. I guess the best thing is to just come out and start meeting people. This weekend is PREZCON game convention in Charlottesville and I'll be there, though. See you at John's in the future.
3/10/2016 4:23:07 PM
Spring approaches, time for some gaming! 3-12 I'll be there. I'd like to play Nippon. I like Glen More but am REALLY bad at it. If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong as we're playing, I would appreciate it! I'd like to play Churchill and Steam Time. I've been wanting to play Glass Road. I hated it for a long time but want to give it another chance. Among Nobles would intrigue me. Was my first game win a fluke or is my subsequent miserable last place finish my true nature... ooooOOOooOooooOoOooHHhhHHhHH... who knows ?!??!?!
3/10/2016 4:23:45 PM
Spring approaches, time for some gaming! 3-12 Plus... Glen More is better than Kraftwagen? I'll be the judge of that.
3/23/2016 2:47:35 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 3/26 Pick me!
I'd like to play Churchill (yes, that's a bit heavier), Nippon, Mombasa... and I'm always up for the classics... and always up for racing games. How much do you think the surcharge could be. I wouldn't want to pay more than a few hundred dollars to play.
Chris B
edited by chrisbrandt on 3/23/2016
edited by chrisbrandt on 3/23/2016
3/23/2016 4:52:16 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 3/26 I would be up for MoV also. Would that entail additional surcharges? How much is this going to cost me!?!??! I also want to learn Steam Time.
3/25/2016 3:35:38 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 3/26 I would also consider, as an alternative to MoV, to play XIA. I have a copy, but don't know how to play. Does anyone want to teach?
3/26/2016 11:12:17 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 3/26 egill wrote:
Yes, I want to try Mombasa and game to play Nippon again...using the correct rules. See you guys at 1:00.

I'm def up for Nippon again. What rules did we get wrong? That would be my #1 preference now.

4/5/2016 5:57:46 PM
April no-foolin', 2nd Saturday Gaming I'll be there. Just wanted to let you know that I have procured COLORED CUBES for the factories in Nippon... and I'd like to play again. I'm still wanting to learn Steam Time... and someone else will probably mention a game and I'll think, "Oh, yeah, that would be good, too." - Chris
4/8/2016 2:24:24 PM
April no-foolin', 2nd Saturday Gaming I would really like to play CO2. I would need a refresher on the rules, but find it a very tight, competitive game.
I have the Salsa (Salt) expansion for Concordia and feel like it does add some nice things to the original, which I like a lot.
4/21/2016 8:45:59 PM
EPIC gaming this Saturday, April 23 I'll be there! I will play anything! Don't know how long I'll stay, though.
4/22/2016 2:15:22 PM
EPIC gaming this Saturday, April 23 Ahhhh... I remember the Worlds Fair as a child. I would love to play that, Marvin! Sign me up.
5/14/2016 2:53:05 PM
Board games, May 14 Can't make it this week. My gaming time will be allocated to the MegaCIV practice game!
6/7/2016 2:14:49 PM
Gaming, 6/11 - On! Unfortunately, I'm going to be out of town this weekend. I AM very interested in learning Food Chain Magnate, dang it!

Please don't cancel the normal session because I won't be there. HAHA!!! As if!!!

edited by chrisbrandt on 6/7/2016
6/7/2016 5:55:24 PM
Gaming, 6/11 - On! ARGH! Great! Rub it in my face Jeff!!!!!Hammer Time
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