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Thommy8 - all messages by user

3/26/2010 9:42:59 AM
Gaming, 4th Saturday, March I'm hoping to make it tomorrow.

Some slightly older games that I've been wanting to play again for a while now are La Citta and Byzantium. I can bring the latter as I don't think you have it, although it remains to be seen if anyone actually wants to play it ;-)

Newer games I'd be up for teaching include Macao, Shipyard, Power Struggle (and can bring if anyone would like).

And a smattering of games I'd love to learn sometime include Assyria, Carson City, Confucius, Nefertiti, Opera, Princes of Machu Picchu, Tinner's Trail, and Valdora.
8/10/2010 5:11:22 PM
Second Saturday gaming, 8/14 I wish I could make it, but unfortunately I'll be out of town visiting the in-laws this weekend. I'm hoping to be there on the 28th though if it's happening then.

After learning Neue Heimat last time, I'd love to learn Die Aufsteiger if Kent can bring it (and if he's already schlepping such a heavy game, he should just throw Planet Steam onto the pile since it's such a small incremental addition, ha!). I'm also eager to learn Wok Star if someone has managed to get a copy. I also feel like one of these days I should learn one or two of those big Matagot games that I've always been meaning to try but always seem to get a lukewarm reception... like Khronos, Utopia, Giants, Cyclades.
8/27/2010 4:03:02 PM
Fourth Saturday Gaming 8 - 28 I'm planning to be there, yay! :-)

Nothing in particular I'm dying to play. May bring Imperial, Byzantium, or various other sundry things. Requests welcome.
9/22/2010 2:45:18 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, Sept 25th I should be able to make it this Saturday. Is it not going to be at John's place this time? Perhaps I'm just not getting a joke.

I'm up for playing whatever, but a few that come to mind that I haven't played in a while include Java, Battlestar Galactica, Nexus Ops, La Citta, Wallenstein... I assume John has all of those, but I can bring any that he doesn't if there's interest.

Also, I was wondering, is it kosher to post here a list of games I'm interested in selling and could bring to John's, since I'm too lazy to ever go to the post office?
edited by Thommy8 on 9/22/2010
9/23/2010 9:32:58 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming, Sept 25th Hmm, there are a couple acronyms in there I'm not getting
Anyway, glad to know it's in the same place, I've just started to get the hang of finding my way there, so switching it up on me would have uncertain consequences, heh.
Thanks, I'll go ahead and post a separate thread listing some games for sale.
Sorry, I'm not particularly interested in 7 Ages.
9/23/2010 10:07:37 AM
Games for Sale With Essen coming up, I need to clear some room on my overcrowded game shelves, so I picked out the following 40 or so games to offer for sale. I've split them into two groups - games I definitely want to sell and games I maybe want to sell (conveniently labeled as "Definitely" and "Maybe"). The difference is that I've priced the Definitely games significantly below the lowest online price I could find, whereas I priced the Maybe games only slightly below the lowest online price I found. Since I'd rather go to the dentist than the post office, all of these are only offered for local pick-up, ideally at John's place on some Saturday or at my place in Crystal City whenever.


Aladdin's Dragons Card Game - $5 (no English rules in box, but available online)
Antler Island - $40
Backgammon (Travel Edition) - Free with any purchase
Bezzerwizzer - $10
Bridges of Shangri-La - $10
Carcassonne: Princess & Dragon - $5
Cuba - $25
Dominion - $20
Dune CCG - $20
Leonardo da Vinci - $20
Mammoth Hunters - $10
Midgard - $10
Mille Bornes - Free with any purchase
O'Kudos - Free with any purchase
Oltre Mare - $15
Perikles - $20
Pizza Box Football - $15
PowerMage 54 - Free with any purchase
Quo Vadis - $15
Senator - $5
Space Marine - I have no idea what price is reasonable?
Ticket to Ride: Dice Expansion - $5
Tigris & Euphrates (Mayfair) - $35
Treehouse - $5
Tribune: Primus Inter Pares - $30
Wallenstein (in shrink) - $50
Xeko - Free with any purchase
ZERTZ - $15



Archaeology - $10
Canal Mania - $35
Cavum - $30
El Caballero - $30
Elfendland - $25
Entdecker - $35
Gloria Picktoria - $10
Key Harvest - $25
Struggle of Empires - $50
Taluva - $15
Terra Nova - $15
VOC - $20
Wool Rules - $10

Regarding the "Free with any purchase items," I think one per item purchased seems fair, unless there's no one else interested, then you can certainly have more.

Regarding tiebreakers, if two people want the same game, then that would be broken in the following order: (1) whoever offers more for that game; (2) whoever purchased more stuff overall; finally if still tied then (3) whoever offered first. I am posting this in a few places online, so you may not see other people's offers if they respond elsewhere.

I believe all of the games are in very good condition, but of course you could see the game before committing if you want to check the condition.

Thanks for helping me make room for all the new games coming out,
10/8/2010 4:04:02 PM
2nd Saturday of October and Congress of Gamers? There's a chance I might be there from like 1-6pm, but I'm still not sure and would definitely need to leave early unfortunately. I'll try to swing by for a bit.
10/22/2010 3:26:05 PM
4th Saturday game day! I'm planning to be there and will likely bring a friend or two if that's alright. Looking forward to it!
11/12/2010 4:27:22 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming (11/13) I'm not positive if I'm going to be able to make it, but I would *love* to try a bunch of those games Kent if I do make it. In particular, I really want to try Kaigan, Antics, and Navegador. Plus I'd be interested in String Railway, Merkator, Key Market, Troyes, and London among others (although I believe Larry will be bringing London tomorrow). I've read the rules to Antics and watched video presentations of Kaigan, Navegador, and Merkator at least. Impressive that you got such a haul so quickly!
11/12/2010 5:06:51 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming (11/13) Larry L. wrote:
Kent, you are my new best friend! I'll be there tomorrow and I'd love to try some of those games. Tom is right, I can bring London (although 2 copies might not be a bad idea). Troyes, Furstenfeld, Navegador, Antics, Merkator, and 20th Century all sound great. I've played the original version of Kaigan and could probably teach that. I was going to try to get there by 1 PM to make it easier to park, but now I have even more incentive. See y'all there!

Didn't I tell you Kent was the man!
1/20/2011 10:17:46 PM
Jan 22nd, the first fourth Saturday of the year! I'm hoping to make it.

If I do, I'll bring 20th Century, Hansa Teutonica East Expansion, and the new Z-Man Factory Fun (with advanced boards and 5-player compatibility). I'd also bring Kevin's copy of the new Sid Meier's Civ, which I really need to return!

Larry mentioned Key Market, which is one I'd also really like to try if someone has a copy. Furstenfeld and Merkator though I've tried once, which was more than enough for both ;-)
1/21/2011 11:20:42 AM
Jan 22nd, the first fourth Saturday of the year! I will try to read the Key Market rules tonight, but can't make any promises. I hope I have a chance though because I would definitely like to play it. Thanks for bringing it Kent!
1/22/2011 1:04:50 AM
Jan 22nd, the first fourth Saturday of the year! Glad you had a chance to read them Larry. I got about half way through them tonight, but was pretty baffled before giving up. Looking forward to maybe figuring this one out tomorrow
2/11/2011 4:52:44 PM
2nd Saturday of February. I'm planning to be there.

I was going to bring El Capitan if you don't have it John. Also might bring the Hansa Teutonica expansion.

Would love to play Antics again if someone brings it, and Wok Star if anyone around owns it. Was also talking to Mike about maybe teaching him Chicago Express too, which I'm assuming I should not bother bringing since you probably have a copy, right?
edited by Thommy8 on 2/11/2011
3/11/2011 1:17:57 PM
2nd Saturday (March 12) I'm hoping to be able to make it tomorrow.

I'd love to revisit Dominant Species, Age of Steam, and/or Battlestar Galactica, among others. Not sure if I should bring my copy of any of those?
3/25/2011 1:28:56 PM
4th Saturday gaming (March 26th) I am going to try to make it for at least a bit tomorrow afternoon. Between an appt. do my taxes and a going-away thing for a friend, it's going to be a tight fit. But I hope to be there for part of the time.

I really want to try Hanabi & Ikebana! I'd also love to get a copy from your friend Kent. I'd be happy to pay around $20 for it. The reviews have me very psyched for it
5/27/2011 3:23:43 PM
Fourth Saturday Gaming, May 28th I'm hoping to make it for at least a bit.
I'd be happy to teach Luna - should I bring my copy or do you have it John?

I'd love to do Die Burgen if anyone has it, also been wanting to get Battlestar and/or Java to the table again if there's interest.
Lastly, itching for another go at Montage, but I assume no one has that for another couple months.
5/27/2011 4:51:22 PM
Fourth Saturday Gaming, May 28th JohnKerr wrote:
I do have a copy of Luna, Yes. I like it!

Awesome! Probably don't need 2 copies there then
6/10/2011 10:15:04 PM
2nd Saturday gaming - June 11th I'm planning to be there. Don't have anything particular in mind to play, but looking forward to seeing everyone again.
6/25/2011 12:51:29 AM
4th Saturday gaming - 1pm I'm planning to be there and really hoping to play Lancaster if Kent or anyone else brings it. Always up for a BSG rematch too if there's interest of course.
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