11/13/2009 3:31:29 PM
2nd Saturday gaming?
Jeff: Bob and Christin are highly likely to attend. Just need location...thanks!
12/16/2009 8:07:32 PM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1pm
Christin and I are in. Thanks!
12/25/2009 11:08:29 AM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1pm
John: Christin and I have an entire CASE of non-alcoholic sparkling cider left over from our wedding. You are welcome to as much of it you'd like for your party, let us know. Bob
12/25/2009 11:10:46 AM
Day after Christmas gaming, Saturday, 12/26
Christin and I will be there later on in the afternoon -- maybe around 3 or 4 -- we're going to see the Terra Cotta army at the Smithsonian.
12/30/2009 10:50:51 PM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1pm
John: Christin, Joshua (my son), and I will be there early evening - probably between 4 and 5 - we'll bring some sparkling cider (non-alcoholic). Thanks!!
1/9/2010 12:02:39 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, welcome to 2010!
Christin and I will be there!
1/22/2010 11:52:32 PM
A game day approaches!
Christin and I should be there. Brass would be great if there are still spots open.
2/26/2010 10:49:12 PM
February 4th Saturday gaming
Christin and I plan to be there! We'll play what hits the table...
7/1/2011 8:24:41 PM
Fourth of July gaming
Christin and I are planning to attend. Thanks!!
4/26/2012 12:45:28 PM
Fourth Saturday Versus Game Days?
If you are having it, John, I'll be at your place.
4/26/2012 11:17:30 PM
Fourth Saturday Versus Game Days?
And...late development... Christin is delaying her NY trip to June, so she'll be there as well, should it happen. Thanks!
12/21/2012 10:16:54 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 12-22
Definite maybe -- expecting FedEx packages, so I will be there once they are delivered. Christin won't be able to make it Saturday.
12/21/2012 10:19:07 PM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1 pm
Christin and I are available, and since we're both off that day, could start just about anytime.
6/7/2013 11:37:38 AM
2nd Saturday of June
I will be there at 1 PM. Bringing Terra Mystica, Eclipse. Open to everything else.
11/27/2015 5:17:36 PM
2016 Boardgame conventions
Taking it from the Top:
Origins: been attending, off and on, since 1979. It's become friendlier to board gamers of all types, and the Board Room is not to be missed. You have to pay an additional fee on top of admission to play in the Board Room, but it is well worth it. Good food nearby at the North Market. Like all other conventions, the rooms sell out pretty quickly, but at least there are options (and you can commute from other hotels if you decide to drive, which is not a bad option from DC).
Prezcon Summer Nationals: have not attended these. Used to attend Winter Nationals, but have not been in a few years.
DiceTower Con: Good News: absolutely a great convention. I've been to every one, except last year's get together. It's in a new resort hotel. Christin and I usually combine this with a few days (before or after) at Disney World or Universal Studios. Easy to find games, easy to find gamers, runs the gamut from the simple games to the long and drawn out debacles. Bad News: Yes, it sold out in 9 minutes or so. Tickets should become available as the year goes on. Better News: next year, they expand from 1500 to 3500, so you should be able to get a ticket then, if you can't find one this year.
WBC: I suggest you let other people play the Crash Test Dummies for Seven Springs. A somewhat controversial (though probably needed) move from the Host, I used to go here back when it was near Baltimore. Only went to the Host once, and that was enough for me. Maybe let them work the bugs out, and see how things go from there.
GenCon: Board Game and RPG Mecca. But crowded as all get-out. Over 50,000 people now in a venue that seemed crowded when it was 40,000. Getting a hotel is a crap-shoot. Last went in 2014, skipped this year because of crowds and other stuff. Still, the next best thing to Essen in terms of releases; the dealer's room is worth the price of admission itself. My experience with the Open Gaming, though, was not as pleasant as for DiceTower Con, or even Origins. The room was big, but not big enough to fit everyone, and they had to limit access. You can find gaming elsewhere in the convention center, but it's not very convenient. Get your badge early, or be prepared for long lines.
Pre-BGG/BGG: Been once. Would like to go again, but it is smack in the middle of the semester. Not great timing. My fondest memory was going to the Essen gaming room and having all the games taught to me (incorrectly) by a friendly volunteer.
So, my order of merit list would be: 1. Dice Tower Con 2. Origins 3. GenCon 4. BGGCon 5. PrezCon
12/31/2015 8:26:46 AM
New Year's Eve Gaming 12/31
I anticipate being there. Not sure when or for how long, but later is more likely.
12/31/2015 5:05:35 PM
New Year's Eve Gaming 12/31
Apologies. Looks like I will not be there after all. Life happens. Happy New Year!!
2/25/2016 11:50:51 PM
4th Saturday gaming - Feb 27th
Currently on a Mombasa kick (up to 4 players). Also willing to punch Nippon if sufficient interest is available. Open to other suggestions.
6/24/2016 8:54:41 PM
Summer gaming - 6-25
Likely there. Will see what hits the table. Dynasties was fun, GAH was OK, I like Nippon as well. Just about everything else I'd need to be taught.
8/27/2016 10:39:49 AM
August 27th - 4th Saturday gaming
I'd be up for Shogun and Scythe (which I'll bring), or just about anything else that hits the table.
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