8/12/2016 8:40:50 AM
Cool gaming, in spirit if not temperature. 8/13
We are hoping to be able to get there in the evening for a game or two
8/27/2016 12:42:41 PM
August 27th - 4th Saturday gaming
Molly and I should be there shortly after 1
9/7/2016 4:33:28 PM
Gaming 9/10 - Last summer game day!
Molly and I should be there at 1
9/22/2016 9:10:47 PM
9/24 gaming
We'll be going to the National Book Festival but will be over at some point!
10/21/2016 10:02:56 AM
10/22 gaming
Molly and I will be there to open up. See you at Euroquest Marvin!
11/25/2016 7:30:02 AM
Gaming to give thanks for, Nov 26th
We'll be there! Picked up Honshu and Clank.
12/1/2016 3:45:07 PM
Christmas Eve Gaming
I don't see why this Jew can't free his day and evening up for some (chinese food) and gaming! Molly will be in Daytona so I'll be flying solo edited by Oboewan on 12/21/2016
12/1/2016 3:46:39 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, DEC 10
We'll be there! Love to introduce Molly to Great Western Trail!
12/5/2016 10:08:00 AM
2nd Saturday gaming, DEC 10
Phil Bauer wrote:
I should be there at 1PM and will bring Feast for Odin and Cottage Garden if anyone is interested.
Phil- John now has a copy of Feast for Odin so you won't need to lug it
1/12/2017 3:27:31 PM
Long awaited 2017 gaming 1-14
As far as I know, Molly and I should be there at 1. Always up for GWT, TM, Scythe, but would also love to learn Oracle of Delphi. Will bring Steam Time
1/28/2017 10:56:50 AM
Fourth Saturday, 1-28, gaming 12:30/1pm start.
We'll be there at the start. Happy to play anything suggeted so far
2/9/2017 3:35:05 PM
Yeah! Gaming this Saturday, 2/11
We should be there!
2/24/2017 7:44:56 AM
Only two more game days in winter!
"Winter". You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means......
We'll be there but probably not until 1 edited by Oboewan on 2/24/2017
3/24/2017 4:43:49 PM
Spring is Sprung! Time for some gaming
We'll be there at 1. Always up for Roll Player assuming Scott will a. be there or b. left the game there or c. John has a copy I'll play the other game instead of Mines of Zavandor if you please... Don't recall reading about the fix for RRevolution though... so I'm intrigued by that.
4/7/2017 4:30:41 PM
Gaming 4/8
We'll be there! Heading into town to see the Parade (10-12) but will get there before 2 (we hope) Molly picked up Spike
4/19/2017 3:16:51 PM
April 22 -> fourth Saturday gaming
chrisbrandt wrote:
I'm sorry that I won't be making it this Saturday. Now I'm going to pout for a while. Thanks, Chris
Pout... Pout... let it all out........
4/24/2017 2:34:48 PM
Railroad Revolution- Official Variants......
Been browsing various threads and it looks like there are a couple of official variants in the latest version of the rulebook (pg 12 and 11) that appear to make the Western Union Strategy a bit more balanced and something they'd considered during playtesting.
For the Western Union Performance Track, the costs to advance to the top of the track get multiplied by a factor of 10- so $500-$500-$1000
They other variant suggests that when choosing new Milestones, you look through the whole stack and choose one, rather than choosing one from three. edited by Oboewan on 4/24/2017
5/11/2017 8:11:00 AM
2nd Saturday -> May 13
museumme wrote:
I'll be there. If anyone else is interested I think I'd like to play a "not-quite-classic" blast from the past - I'm thinking of Goa, Trajan, Ora et Labora, London among others - games I invested a lot of time in learning that rarely come to the table these days (unlike Burgundy, Puerto Rico, St. Pete and other true classics). Alternatively, I'd be happy to try Marco Polo again and I'm always up for Great Western Trail.
We'll be there! Happy to join you in a game of Trajan or Ora et Labora Marvin!
5/30/2017 9:28:50 AM
Broken Token Order?
Hi all! I'm putting in an order and wanted to see if anyone was interested in sharing the shipping. Let me know!
5/31/2017 10:16:53 PM
Broken Token Order?
Cool. Pretty sure I can get a 10% off
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