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museumme - all messages by user

6/23/2017 6:36:56 PM
4th Saturday gaming is on for 6/24 Due to Melanie's noontime concert I won't be there til 2:30 - but I can stay through dinner. Lorenzo and Scythe sound appealing and I'll always play GWT or GAH. I only played Automobile once a long time ago... so I would need a refresher. I am bringing with "This Belongs in a Museum" as a short filler - in case there are two tables playing 3 hour games when I arrive.

6/30/2017 6:23:45 PM
Fourth of July gaming! I can come from 1pm to 5pm.
7/10/2017 5:49:27 PM
July 22, fourth saturday gaming Not confused, but amazed. Having to forego the 8th, the 22nd can't come soon enough. I am up for Great Western Trail, Grand Austrian Hotel and whatever other great and grand games people would like to play. I'll be there at 1pm
7/22/2017 6:54:58 AM
7/22/17 Gaming - Meatier game on the menu? Chap, I'd do Scythe for seven and I stand prepared to fulfill your Goa dream... if we can find one or two others.
8/10/2017 10:28:43 PM
8/12 gaming! I'm in (at about 1:10). I will bring Scythe (just in case). Would be up for another round of Lorenzo, Marco Polo.
8/25/2017 12:07:36 PM
Gaming tomorrow 8/26 Count on me. May even be able to stay til 8. I will bring with my copy of Grand Austrian Hotel. Open to other suggestions.
9/8/2017 8:19:33 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, 9/9 The question for me comes down to vanity. At times it seems that this summer has been an interactive reenactment of the Book of Job. After recovering from shingles with only a small scar on the right side of my face - a virus hit from the left. So if I come tomorrow I will be sporting a scraggly three-day beard smeared in places with protective ointment. But since you guys have managed to see my usual Saturday face without turning to stone, I will try not to be too self-conscious and join you at 1 if I'm up to it. Come to think of it, in comparison with residents of Houston, Miami and DACA participants - my summer has actually not been all that bad.
9/20/2017 7:44:38 AM
Gaming, Saturday, Sept 23rd, 1pm I'll be there. Interested in giving a second try to Yokohama, or a third attempt at Lorenzo. May stay a bit later in recognition that this is my last game day before Medicare eligibility. There are some things you just have to do while you're young!
10/12/2017 5:15:48 PM
October 14th, 2nd saturday Goa definitely counts as Portuguese. I will be there for the afternoon.
10/25/2017 6:16:05 PM
Oct 28th, fourth saturday gaming So what are we going to do to celebrate? I have an idea - let's play games! Be there at 1, not sure how long I can stay.
11/9/2017 4:57:00 PM
11/11 -> 2nd saturday gaming! I am working at our booth in Strathmore's Museum Shop-Around from 10 til 2 (don't tell the rabbis that I'm working on Saturday). IF I'm not too exhausted I may drop in at about 3pm. Does someone have TTR Rails and Sails... it was the one thing I played at Euroquest that I wanted to try again.
11/21/2017 8:55:45 PM
Fourth Saturday? Any gaming this weekend or are we all just going to suffer from post-prandial lethargy?
12/8/2017 5:27:53 PM
2nd Saturday of December! Melanie went in for a little back surgery yesterday. Successful... but I need to stay close to home this weekend. If there is a 4th Saturday this month, the 23rd?, I'll be there.
12/19/2017 5:58:00 PM
Christmas eve eve gaming! 12/23 Looking forward to it...assuming we do not have snow. Since I'll be working on the 25th, I feel like I have an extra excuse to play on the 23rd!

1/11/2018 4:15:16 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, January 13 Thanks for asking John. In the first 48 hours of 2018 I managed to have a quick bout with the flu and a vehicular encounter with a jersey barrier (only the car was hurt). So I'm feeling like 2018 can only get better from here! I look forward to seeing if my luck has been stockpiled for Saturday. Last week went to David Fair's game group in Germantown and learned Azul, only to discover that it's already out of print. If someone has Azul, I would love to try it a second time.
2/8/2018 7:39:47 PM
Even in February, four saturdays! So are we celebrating the Olympics or Valentine's Day or maybe Lincoln's B-day ... so much to choose from this weekend. I would be up for one of the lighter games to start with. I will bring with Z-Man's Majesty for the Realm... I think I can teach it; and if anyone has Azul - delighted to try it with our group. Ready to take on a heavier item later (Lorenzo?, La Granja?). I'll strap on my skates, pull out my cupid's arrow and recite the Gettysburg Address to prep for the weekend's premier event: Games at John's.

2/22/2018 11:56:04 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 2/24 I'll be there. Happy to do Glass Road as my game #2. Interested in trying one of the ones I've played only once or twice... like Yokohama ... but also open to new experiences.
3/22/2018 6:06:39 PM
Spring Gaming - 3/24 I may have frolicked just a little too much with a shovel - my back appears to have suffered. But if I'm up to it I will be there - and if FedEx delivers on time I will be bringing Azul.

4/13/2018 10:41:51 AM
Gaming - 4/14? Is tomorrow a game day?

If so, I'll be bringing Azul and Century: Spice.

4/27/2018 7:29:04 AM
ABG game day - 4/28 I had been considering going to Game Days, but Larry coming back is the clincher...wouldn't want to miss that. See you at 1pm Saturday.
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