8/25/2017 11:25:01 AM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
2nd saturday of august is on! Don't let the heat get you down, let board games bring you up!
Who's coming by? What do you want to play? 12:30/1pm as normal.
8/25/2017 12:07:36 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
Count on me. May even be able to stay til 8. I will bring with my copy of Grand Austrian Hotel. Open to other suggestions.
8/25/2017 2:05:36 PM
Larry L. ( Larry L. ) Posts: 199
I'll be there by 1 PM. I'll bring a recent purchase called the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game, in case there are fans of the Harry Dresden books (the game should work well for non-fans as well). I also thought I'd start bringing some older titles, that may be new to some in the group. This week, I'll bring Capitol, a terrific city-building Moon/Weissblum title. It really only works with 4 players, but is great with that number. And, as usual, I'm up for any of the recent stuff. See you there!
8/25/2017 6:41:37 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'm going to Congress of Gamers in the morning and will likely come by later in the afternoon. Favor to ask... does anyone have a copy of Roll Player or Abyss I can borrow over Labor Day weekend?
See you then! Chris
PS... I would not mind trying a Larry-authorized variant for ETHNOS.
8/25/2017 9:30:27 PM
Chapman ( ) Posts: 60
I can probably attend, unless nurse duties interfere, but can't stay late. Capitol looks interesting to me.
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