1/23/2020 1:07:49 PM
4th Saturday gaming this Saturday!
This Saturday is the 4th of the month and the 2nd game day of 2020!
Who would like to come by? What would you like to play?
1/24/2020 1:34:32 PM
4th Saturday gaming this Saturday!
Despite my grumpiness over the expansion last game day, I'm not ready to give up on it. It falls squarely in the "I should be able to do better at this" kind of game and would be willing to give it another shot (if not more).
2/6/2020 2:36:23 PM
February 8th gaming!
The 8th is the second Saturday of February and a game day!
We'll start at 1pm, though feel free to show up a bit early.
We might have a new person or two, who are hoping to play (and are bringing) the reprint of Bus, so hopefully that will happen!
Who is coming and what would YOU like to play?
2/21/2020 7:20:54 AM
2-22 gaming!
02-22-20.... what better way to appreciate a neat date like that than with some gaming!
We are on for gaming tomorrow. Chris promised he would play one of the western kingdom games with me, so hopefully that'll hit the table.
Who is coming and what do YOU want to play?
3/12/2020 8:45:42 AM
Covid-19 and Gaming this Saturday - cancelled
Hey, Folks! This Saturday is scheduled to be a game day, but given the current worrying situation, I thought I'd open it up for discussion.
What do you think we should do? I'm fine with the idea of trusting folks to self police. If you have the symptoms of COVID-19 (Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath) or reasonably suspect you might have been exposed recently, stay home. I'm also OK with cancelling if the majority think that would be prudent (or are planning to avoid it anyway).
What do you think?
My personal warning: I spent 12 hours at a packed Emergency Room with my parents (thankfully all is well) Monday. As far as I know, there were no cases present and I have no symptoms aside from the normal winter dry sinus congestion (which has not changed this week), but fair warning.
Thanks and I hope everyone is well! edited by JohnKerr on 3/14/2020
3/12/2020 8:48:27 AM
Covid-19 and Gaming this Saturday - cancelled
Oh and, of course, if there is any dramatic change in situation, we will re-figure. Check in here before coming over Saturday (if that is what we end up deciding).
3/14/2020 1:52:29 AM
Covid-19 and Gaming this Saturday - cancelled
Perhaps with an over abundance of caution, I’m going to cancel... There’s a number of factors, not the least of which is putting more time between my ER visit and other gamers.
Hopefully that’s the right call and my apologies if not. And hopefully things seem better in two weeks! Stay safe and well, everyone!
3/26/2020 4:17:55 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
With the encouragement to isolate as much as possible, in person gaming for this Saturday is cancelled... but if there is some interest in some online ABG action, maybe that can be arranged. Anyone interested?
How are all the ABGers handling the situation? Are you staying safe and sane? Or are you like me, huddled in a closet, clutching the boards from a dozen games to my chest?
3/27/2020 10:03:59 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
I've been using board game arena for a bit now... there's even capacity for voice and video chat built in, but it's associated with premium membership. They also have some kind of group function, maybe that would work for ABG.
3/27/2020 11:56:52 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
I'll play castles of burgandy at 1pm!
3/28/2020 11:52:12 AM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
In retrospect, we need to plan this a little farther ahead, my bad.
I hope everyone is holding up ok!
4/3/2020 11:13:50 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
I'll be there for something!
4/4/2020 12:48:53 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
I don't pretend to know what I'm doing, but I created a discord server: https://discord.gg/aZn9KD
4/4/2020 1:03:32 PM
Gaming 3/28 -> Cancelled in person, but ?
Marvin and I are at yucata, if anyone is joining us. And anyone fee free to check out the discord!
4/10/2020 11:21:26 PM
4/11 Cancelled yet again, but virtual gaming
Another game day lost to Covid 19, but there will be some virtual gaming. If you'd like to join us, post here or email me and we'll work it out!
4/24/2020 10:49:02 PM
4/25 gaming cancelled
4th saturday gaming is, unsurprisingly, cancelled again. I hope you are all doing well. Are you? Is anyone reading this? What can I do to help?
5/9/2020 10:24:09 AM
5/9 the cancellations continue, but online gaming
COVID-19 continues to be, so no in person gaming today. If you are interested in some online gaming starting at 1pm, we should be able to make something work.
Post your interest here, or the discord server that Scott helped set up is here: https://discord.gg/R55RX2x
We've been finding either Yucata.de or BoardGameArena.com to be the most playable and have typically had a conference call of some sort going, not everyone can use the discord voice capability. edited by JohnKerr on 5/9/2020
5/9/2020 12:57:17 PM
5/9 the cancellations continue, but online gaming
Several people are online on the discord, FYI to anyone reading this.
5/23/2020 2:59:08 AM
Gaming 5/23 - still no in person gaming
One day we will have gaming again....
If you are looking for some online gaming, we can surely put something together at 1pm. Let me know!
5/23/2020 1:22:57 PM
Gaming 5/23 - still no in person gaming
No other takers today, maybe next time!
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