3/26/2020 4:17:55 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
With the encouragement to isolate as much as possible, in person gaming for this Saturday is cancelled... but if there is some interest in some online ABG action, maybe that can be arranged. Anyone interested?
How are all the ABGers handling the situation? Are you staying safe and sane? Or are you like me, huddled in a closet, clutching the boards from a dozen games to my chest?
3/26/2020 4:42:10 PM
Joe Casadonte ( Joe Casadonte ) Posts: 380 BggId: Joe Casadonte
I haven't tried it yet, but I was looking at Board Game Arena (https://en.boardgamearena.com/join) as a possibility for virtual, real-time gaming (with Zoom, Discord, or FaceTime on the side for video/audio). I've heard good things about it.
3/26/2020 5:09:46 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
Great idea! I usually play on Yucata, because it's free (except for that donation I make each year) and it's got some of my favorite games (Navegador, Castles of Burgundy, Macao, Oracle of Delphi, Glen More, and others). My Richmond friends and I have done it a couple of times now with a conference call going at the same time and the experience has been great! I AM interested in Board Game Arena because I've heard they have Hansa Teutonica... my absolute favorite.
Steam has Scythe and Terraforming Mars. Steam is free, but you have to buy the games.
In short... I'm up for it!
3/27/2020 12:53:11 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
Update - They just made an improvement to Yucata so that if the user count is >1200 idle users will be disconnected after 20 minutes. Shouldn't be a problem for real time gaming. Would anyone be up for The Castles of Burgundy at 1 PM Eastern time on Saturday? Looking for four! edited by chrisbrandt on 3/27/2020
3/27/2020 10:03:59 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
I've been using board game arena for a bit now... there's even capacity for voice and video chat built in, but it's associated with premium membership. They also have some kind of group function, maybe that would work for ABG.
3/27/2020 11:56:52 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
I'll play castles of burgandy at 1pm!
3/28/2020 10:28:08 AM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
So far, me and John. Chris
3/28/2020 11:26:05 AM
McJarvis ( McJarvis ) Posts: 105
I am normally up for this kind of thing, but I have a prior online boardgaming commitment
3/28/2020 11:36:27 AM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'm going to cancel this. I've got things piling up to do. Let's try it again sometime, though.
3/28/2020 11:52:12 AM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
In retrospect, we need to plan this a little farther ahead, my bad.
I hope everyone is holding up ok!
3/28/2020 9:38:16 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
I would have joined but when I looked at the website early this morning there were no new posts so I assumed everything was cancelled ... if you and Chris want to give this another try next Saturday at 1pm, I'm willing to give it a try.
3/30/2020 12:11:44 PM
McJarvis ( McJarvis ) Posts: 105
I'm also up for this--- I just had other online-gaming plans by the time I saw this.
If folks have headsets, we could voice-chat on discord, too. (But I don't know how online-ready ya'll are )
3/30/2020 1:53:26 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
Do we have to have a headset? Couldn't we just use our computer speaker and microphone? Chris edited by chrisbrandt on 3/30/2020
4/3/2020 11:06:20 AM
McJarvis ( McJarvis ) Posts: 105
I guess the concept of need is pretty subjective, but I prefer to have people at least wearing headphones so there's no chance of echo feedback on the call.
4/3/2020 10:35:21 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
I have no headset but I’d be interested in playing something. I will join Yukata and try to find you folks tomorrow at 1.
4/3/2020 11:13:50 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
I'll be there for something!
4/3/2020 11:26:48 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'll try and sign on just before one. My user name is chrisbrandt on yucata.de. Chris
4/4/2020 4:34:27 AM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
If my registration worked I’ll be museumme
4/4/2020 12:48:53 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
I don't pretend to know what I'm doing, but I created a discord server: https://discord.gg/aZn9KD
4/4/2020 1:03:32 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Marvin and I are at yucata, if anyone is joining us. And anyone fee free to check out the discord!