10/8/2009 6:03:50 PM
October 10th, 2nd Saturday
I'll be there. In addition, Scott Nicholson (of Board Games with Scott) will be coming by in the afternoon.
10/8/2009 6:06:14 PM
EuroQuest 2009
Just a reminder that Euroquest is coming up soon: Thu Oct 12 - Sun Oct 15. Register if you haven't.
I have a spare bed, but it comes with a "no complaining" clause.
10/13/2009 8:19:27 AM
Questions, Bugs, What am I Doing Wrong, etc.
I find it very hard to read the posts when they show the newest messages at the top... is there a way to reverse this? It's just wrong!
10/22/2009 9:39:04 AM
Rob and Michelle at Essen
Joe pointed this out to me while they were still playing. I suspect the game is At the Gates of Loyang, but I'm not sure.
In other news, I actually spotted Rob in another photo someplace, and Michelle was not in it! Amazing!
(OMG, I can't believe we have a Bong Toking Smiley face!)
12/23/2009 8:34:32 AM
Through the ages online
I've never used Vassal before, so assuming it's straight-forward and easy to pick up, I'd be willing to give it a try.
1/5/2010 3:43:53 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, welcome to 2010!
Rise of Empires if I can get the rules under by belt before Saturday.
1/17/2010 6:28:27 PM
Through the ages online
I'm all set up. Not sure what I need to do, but I guess it can't be too hard, eh?
1/18/2010 11:37:43 AM
Through the ages online
I went through a couple of turns last night and, man, is that thing unintuitive. Got stuck on how to execute/pass on a political action. Bottom line is that someone will probablyneed to talk me through the first turn or two on the phone, just so I don't make any mistakes. Other than that, I should be fine.
1/18/2010 6:15:05 PM
Jonathan Coulton in Mar... Anyone going?
I know, dumb question. Just checking. edited by kevin on 1/19/2010
1/19/2010 3:24:49 PM
Jonathan Coulton in Mar... Anyone going?
Hmm, maybe it wasn't a dumb question after all.
1/20/2010 10:35:17 AM
Jonathan Coulton in Mar... Anyone going?
Yeah, me too, which is why I missed his last concert--they sold out quickly.
1/20/2010 10:44:26 AM
A game day approaches!
It's looking like I'll need to come in to work on Saturday, so we'll see. Worst case scenario is that I'll be late.
Wouldn't mind giving Rise of Empires another go, now that the rules have been clarified.
1/27/2010 8:55:50 AM
Through the Ages Report on BGG
But only if you can find it!
2/4/2010 3:15:26 PM
The Blizzard of 2010 Commemorative CIV IV Game?
Since we're all going to be shut in on Saturday we should make the most of it by playing Civ IV. Anyone up?
2/5/2010 10:49:36 AM
The Blizzard of 2010 Commemorative CIV IV Game?
OK... I'll set up a game in the morning. Is 10 or 11 too early? Don't don't have to start right away, since there's always problems with at least one person.
2/5/2010 9:16:39 PM
The Blizzard of 2010 Commemorative CIV IV Game?
Email sent out to everyone. Let's plan on staging between 11-11:30.
rbynaker wrote:
10 might be too early for me but I could probably swing 11am.
Mike Gibbs is also interested.
2/10/2010 2:43:56 PM
The Blizzard of 2010 Commemorative CIV IV Game?
Eric, send me a private email and I'll make sure to add you to the email list. I wouldn't be surprised if another game were to get going in the near future.
2/10/2010 6:15:28 PM
Snow pics?
just a few. I have a couple more to add, but they're still on the camera.
2/11/2010 5:07:56 PM
Snow pics?
Holy crap! Those beltway photos are crazy!
4/20/2010 7:46:29 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 4/24
I thought you were going to gamedays?
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