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rbynaker - all messages by user

6/22/2022 8:25:03 PM
6/25 gaming is ON For some reason I've been completely fascinated today by the fact that this may be the first day of my life that I have more trips around the sun than U.S. states visited.

8/24/2022 5:03:35 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 8/27, is on! I should be able to make it.

9/10/2022 10:28:14 AM
September 10th, 2nd saturday gaming Marvin,

I've played Ark Nova 3 times and all were about 4 hours including teaching. Even the 2p game I played with Cheryl was long (so it doesn't seem to be a function of player count).

If you're fine playing a learning game, I can teach the basic mechanics to get us started and then explain things in more detail as we go. I will bring my copy which is set up for a "swift start" (unofficial variant) which removes the game setup decisions that are fairly meaningless if you've never played before. We would also play on the "A" map which is easier and less fiddly. I *think* I can get this down to ~3-3.5 hours if that works for you. Experienced players can play John's copy while I teach from mine.

I am not a rules expert, we might get some things wrong. The rules are very poorly laid out IMO, such that there are 684 threads in the Ark Nova Rules Forum on BGG. I suppose that comes with any game having 235 unique cards!

That said, I've enjoyed the game immensely.


PS: I can also have it set up before you arrive which will save some time.
edited by rbynaker on 9/10/2022
4/21/2023 9:41:35 PM
Gaming 4/22! Hmm, I used to get email notifications when new topics were started but now I don't. Did something change on the server-side?

Edit: I checked my profile and it looks like it's still set up correctly (snip attached).
edited by rbynaker on 4/21/2023
12/22/2023 4:55:47 PM
12/23/23 gaming cancelled Anyone up for gaming online tomorrow instead? We have something in the morning but I hope to be back by 1:30 at the latest.

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