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JohnKerr - all messages by user

12/1/2016 2:57:05 PM
No New Year's Eve gaming at ABG Given that NYE conflicts with 5th Saturday this year, I'm going to bow out and encourage everyone to do the 5th Saturday thing. Contact information below.
edited by JohnKerr on 12/1/2016
12/1/2016 3:07:35 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, DEC 10 Gaming is on for 2nd Saturday this month. I am hoping to have a copy of Great Western Trails by then, so I'll have that available to play.
Who is coming and what would you like to play?
1/10/2017 12:49:22 PM
Long awaited 2017 gaming 1-14 Seems like a long time since an ABG game day! This Saturday is the 2nd saturday of the month... who want's to do some gaming??

What do you want to play?

1pm as normal.
1/14/2017 10:40:06 AM
Long awaited 2017 gaming 1-14 Fyi, looks like just rain here, instead of ice. Also, I was taken out by a stomach issue yesterday. I *think* it was some thing I ate, but no way to know for sure. So far feeling better today.

Edit: that is, fine for hosting, but wanted to give fair warning, in case it is/was something contagious.
edited by JohnKerr on 1/14/2017
1/15/2017 4:20:41 PM
January 14th 2017 game day summary https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/61516/january-14th-return-kent-insider-x3-oracle-delphi

Feel free to comment or amend.
1/24/2017 1:26:48 PM
Fourth Saturday, 1-28, gaming 12:30/1pm start. Hey, this saturday is a game day! Come, enjoy the gaming and camaraderie!

A slight change to the normal timing... I'll open the doors at 12:30 for folks to come by, but gaming won't start until 1pm. So feel free to stop by at 12:30 to bring lunch or chat, but if you can't make it until 1pm, you won't miss any gaming.

I got a copy of Fields of Green and Ave roma, FYI.

Who is coming? What would you like to play? When do you plan to come by?
2/9/2017 3:20:19 PM
Yeah! Gaming this Saturday, 2/11 Even though February is a short month, it still has a 2nd and 4th Saturday! Which means that you can spend an even higher percentage of your month at ABG game days than any other month! Who can argue with that?

Similar to last week, I'll open the doors at 12:30pm for anyone who wants to stop by to eat and/or chat. Gaming will start at 1pm.

Who is coming by? What do you want to play?
2/23/2017 11:55:04 PM
Only two more game days in winter! This saturday, the 25th, is a game day!

Similar to last week, I'll open the doors at 12:30pm for anyone who wants to stop by to eat and/or chat. Gaming will start at 1pm.

Who is coming by? What do you want to play?
3/9/2017 3:48:58 PM
Lose an hour, gain some gaming! "Spring Forward" into some gaming this Saturday, the 2nd Saturday of March (3/11)

We'll do the now normal 12:30 open door with a 1pm gaming start. Who is coming and what do you want to play?
3/24/2017 1:40:14 PM
Spring is Sprung! Time for some gaming 3/25 is the fourth Saturday of the month and a fine time for some gaming!

Who's up for some? What do you want to play?
4/7/2017 4:05:50 PM
Gaming 4/8 No foolin', we plan to have gaming tomorrow, 4/8. Normal 12:30 doors open, 1pm start gaming.

April showers won't stop us!

Who's coming when and what do you want to play?
4/19/2017 12:30:13 PM
April 22 -> fourth Saturday gaming Hey, Hey!

You know what they say, April showers brings in more gamers!

At least, I think they say that.

April 22 is the fourth Saturday and we'll open doors at 12:30 and start gaming at 1pm.

Who is coming by and bringing all their exciting new games? What are those new games? What do you want to play?
4/19/2017 1:44:33 PM
popular mechanics?? Just ran across this:


It's really a fine list of games. Who would have thought.
4/19/2017 1:47:02 PM
May 27 - Gaming Cancelled! I won't be hosting for the 5/27 (fourth Saturday of May) gaming. But I'll be back on the regular schedule after that!
5/4/2017 5:35:31 PM
May 27 - Gaming Cancelled! Yes, Sir! I hope to see you!
5/10/2017 11:14:39 AM
2nd Saturday -> May 13 Gaming for this weekend is ON! Saturday, May 13. Feels like a long time since a game day!

Do the normal doors open at 12:30, gaming at 1pm.

Who can make it and WHAT do you want to play??
5/12/2017 12:37:33 AM
2nd Saturday -> May 13 Mike, Mary and a friend of theirs should be joining us, as well as Scott. No Chris or Larry, alas.
edited by JohnKerr on 5/12/2017
5/12/2017 12:03:50 PM
2nd Saturday -> May 13 gverrey wrote:
I have a cold. Will come if I'm not feeling too miserable.

Oh no! I hope you are feeling better tomorrow!
5/12/2017 7:30:58 PM
2nd Saturday -> May 13 Ora et Labora is more like Le Havre than his other games, I'd say. It's on the heavy side, but slightly less so than feast for odin, IMO.
6/7/2017 1:11:57 PM
2nd Saturday of June - 6/10 Woah, it's been a while since the last game day... what say we have another one?

Who's in? What do you want to play?

I got a copy of Lorenzo and a Medici card game. What are you bringing?
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