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caesarmom - all messages by user

4/25/2012 9:17:12 PM
Fourth Saturday Versus Game Days? Rob and I might be interested but definitely couldn't stay past 5 or so because of the dogs.
edited by caesarmom on 4/25/2012
8/12/2012 8:36:38 PM
Christin's mom Bad news: Christin Kim Aarhus's mother was hit by a car this evening and is in the hospital. I don't have a lot of details, but from what I understand she broke multiple bones and will need surgery.

I'm going to send something (flowers/plants/something else that she might enjoy more) once I have some logistical details from Bob. If anybody else would like to join in, please let me know by 6 pm Monday, 8/13.

Christin will be posting updates on Facebook.
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