2/8/2013 4:34:08 PM
Is there 2nd Saturday Gaming on Feb 9th?
Gaming is on! Come on by! 1pm as normal.
Just FYI, I'm a little under the weather... I think it is just a sinus thing rather than a contagious thing, but figured I'd give everyone a heads up in case they are worried about it.
2/22/2013 5:31:13 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 2/23
Hey, everyone, tomorrow is a game day!
We have an always welcome special guest, Brent!!
Come say hello and stay and play some games.... who is going to make it? What would you like to play?
3/8/2013 3:39:53 PM
March 9th 2nd saturday gaming
Hey, gaming is on for tomorrow!
Better hurry, you only have a couple more weeks to get all your winter gaming done! You know how things get once we move into spring gaming....
1pm. Who will be there? Anything you want to play?
3/8/2013 4:45:22 PM
March 9th 2nd saturday gaming
I think Marvin intended this for here: I am definitely coming but may not make it until 2:30. I have to make my way back from a bat mitzvah in Baltimore.
3/22/2013 1:19:06 PM
March 23rd, 4th Saturday gaming
Tomorrow is the 4th Saturday of the month and, of course, a game day!
What better way to celebrate the 'technically spring but not really' time of year?
1pm. Who is coming? Having anything in particular you would like to play?
4/12/2013 5:16:02 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming, April 12th
Hey! It's Spring! Caper yourself over to my place and play some board games tomorrow!
Who's gonna be there? 1pm! What's the hot game?
4/25/2013 6:10:31 PM
4th Saturday Gaming, 4/27
Wow, I can't believe it is in the end of April already!
This Saturday is a game day... who is planning on being there? What would you like to play?
5/10/2013 9:14:16 AM
2nd Saturday Gaming, 5/11
We are on, 1pm.
Who else can make it??
5/10/2013 9:15:36 AM
4th Saturday in May gaming, 5/25 CANCELLED
One of the few times a year that there's no gaming... gaming will resume with the normal schedule in June!
6/7/2013 10:57:49 AM
2nd Saturday of June
Hey, 2nd Saturday gaming is on! 1pm as normal.
We'll have (hopefully one of many) visit from Aalok who is in town!
Come join us! Who can make it? Have anything you'd like to play?
I'd like to get another game of Terra Mystica in...
6/7/2013 3:35:06 PM
2nd Saturday of June
I'm glad you mentioned that... my copy of terra mystica is still at Sheila's, so having one or two copies brought along would be welcome!
6/10/2013 2:46:27 PM
Using google events for game days in the future?
I am thinking about creating a google event for games days. I would create this even using the emails that you registered for this site with.
I do not think that you would need a google+ account to use this feature. Nor do I think google will _do_ anything with your email, other than sent the invitation.
I like the google event planning because it doesn't require a particular social site membership (facebook, google+), it allows for a very simple yes/no/maybe/comment system and because I trust google to not doing anything strange with the emails. It also integrates with a calendar that you _might_ already be using.
If you want me to leave your email out of the invitation or want me to use a different email than you used for this site, please let me know here, or via email to johnkerr at the gmail address (gmail.com). Or if you think it's a bad idea, let me know.
I would still post about game days here, as well.
Comments? Questions?
6/21/2013 3:09:15 PM
4th Saturday!
Woah, it is almost 4th Saturday!! What are you doing, you need to get your games ready! I need to clean up... nah, it can wait till tomorrow. Who is coming by? We'll start at 1pm, of course. I have a few new games, including 51st state, 51st state: winter, ginkopolis, Seasons with the expansion. Looking forward to seeing you! Are you losing weight? You look particularly slim. edited by JohnKerr on 6/21/2013
6/21/2013 5:42:35 PM
4th Saturday!
now that I know that Larry won't be there, i can mention some other new additions: Exodus, Quebec, the great zimbabwe and Viticulture.
6/30/2013 1:24:24 AM
4th of July gaming
As some of you know, I host gaming on the 4th of july. It's pretty much a regular game day... you can see a few little fireworks in the distance from my balcony, but that's about it for the 4th festivities. Of course, all the regular gaming festivities happen!
We'll start at 1, as normal. Who can make it?
7/26/2013 5:32:25 PM
4th Saturday gaming in July, 7/27
Fourth saturday gaming is on for tomorrow! 1pm, as normal. Who can come? What do you want to play? edited by JohnKerr on 7/26/2013
8/9/2013 8:30:56 AM
August 10 = 2nd saturday gaming
Who can make it for gaming tomorrow, the 10th? We'll start at 1 as normal. Hope to see you!
8/23/2013 10:02:36 AM
4th saturday gaming is on
1pm. Who can make it? Whatcha want to play?
9/13/2013 9:40:06 AM
2nd Saturday gaming in September
My goodness, it is time for 2nd Saturday gaming!
Tomorrow, 1pm, you know it! Who is coming by? What do you want to play??
9/27/2013 6:10:52 PM
4th saturday gaming in sept
As the season changes, it is time to put away those summer things and pull out some.... boardgames!
4th saturday is on! 1pm! Who can make it and what do you want to play?
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