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JohnKerr - all messages by user

8/10/2012 4:57:23 PM
Gaming 8/11 - beat the heat with board games! Gaming is on for tomorrow, starting at 1pm. I'll even be there the whole day!

Who is planning on coming by? Have anything in particular you'd like to play?
8/23/2012 11:00:22 PM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th We're fast approaching on the 10 year anniversary of Arlington Board Gamers and I have a special request! That's right, it's been 10 years of pretty consistent 2nd and 4th Saturdays!

Of course, without all of YOU, there'd be little point to ABG, so to celebrate, on the 2nd Saturday of October, I'd like to try for the largest ABG game day yet. My building has a party room that is much, much bigger than my place and well suited to handling a bunch of people.

If you've ever been to an ABG game day, I'd love to see you on the 13th of Oct. If you know someone that used to come but doesn't make it so often any more, see if you can talk them into coming! Lets all get together and have a good time!

The party room has a kitchen/fridge, so they'll be refreshments and snacks, of course. There's also a TV and ping pong/pool table, though this is still mostly a game day.

I hope to see you! Who can make it?
edited by JohnKerr on 8/23/2012
8/23/2012 11:04:58 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 8/25 This weekend contains the 4th Saturday... come gaming! 1pm start, as normal.

I wouldn't mind getting Antiquity or Constantinopolis to the table. Have anything in particular you'd like to play?

Who's planning on being there?
8/24/2012 12:49:58 AM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th Probably be 1pm, though maybe a little earlier, if people want. Let me know if earlier works better.

Also, if you want to bring a not-normal-abger guest, that's all as normal, just let me know!
9/7/2012 1:04:50 PM
9/8 - Board games! Yeah, baby!

Who's in for some gaming tomorrow at 1pm? What do you want to play?

Yes, I said 'Yeah baby'. It was supposed to be Austin Powers-ish.
9/20/2012 2:12:04 PM
EuroQuest Sheila and I are going to be there thursday evening on and definitely vote for Rick to be there...
9/20/2012 2:14:15 PM
Gaming 9/22 - Fourth Saturday fun! Saturday is the earliest possible in the month fourth Saturday and what better way to celebrate a momentous occasion like that that with board games??

Start at 1pm. Who's going to be there? Have anything in particular you want to play?
10/11/2012 2:12:35 PM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th It is on the 'P' floor. Just check in with the front desk and they will phone down. Once you're at the P level, someone (I) will let you back in to the party room. Unfortunately, there's no direct access to the room without a key.
10/11/2012 2:14:39 PM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th Re: Artemis - I just realized that I seriously doubt there is any wireless access in the party room. I assume that's needed for Artemis to work? Or can you do some kind of local thing? If need be I guess y'all can do it up in my condo.
10/12/2012 4:50:18 PM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th Just to re-state, be sure to check in at the front desk when you get there. They'll call down and then you'll take the elevator to the 'P' level and someone will meet you. There's no direct access to the party room without going through a locked door, unfortunately.
10/13/2012 11:41:50 AM
Come Celebrate 10 years of ABG! Oct 13th I have last will, as well as navegador.
10/26/2012 4:24:47 PM
gaming 10-27 - yup! Hey, gaming is on tomorrow for 1pm!

I wouldn't mind getting a game of antiquity in... Matt has been wanting to learn that one for a while. Or maybe constantinople again, before I completely forget (as opposed to my current 'mostly forgot').

Who's coming? What would you like to play?
11/9/2012 12:12:23 PM
2nd saturday gaming Here it is, November already... What better way to take advantage of the lowering temperature than board gaming with friends?

Speaking of which, Tucker and Emily will be visiting us tomorrow, which makes it an extra special game day!

1pm - I picked up a few relatively new games - Fleet, First Sparks, the new Merchant of Venus, Helvetia, Vanuatu.

Who's coming? Have anything in particular you want to play?
11/23/2012 4:46:53 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 11/24 4th Saturday gaming is on tomorrow... gather up your left-over turkey sandwiches and come on by!

1 pm start, of course. Who's coming? Having anything in particular you'd like to play?
12/7/2012 3:36:59 PM
December gaming, 12/8 Hey, Game day this weekend... come play!

1pm. Who can make it? What do you want to play?
12/20/2012 5:16:48 PM
4th Saturday gaming, 12-22 Put aside that last minute Christmas shopping and come play some games!

we'll start at 1pm. We might have some new-comers this time, so come welcome them!

Who is coming and what might you like to play?
12/20/2012 5:19:57 PM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1 pm As in the past, I am planning on hosting gaming this New Year's eve. What better way to bring in the new year than spending it gaming with friends, eh?

Who thinks they can make it this year? I'm trying to decide what time to start, as I don't know what schedule people will be on. What time do you think you'd be available?
edited by JohnKerr on 12/30/2012
12/30/2012 7:57:42 AM
New Year's Eve gaming - 1 pm We'll start at one, then. I hope everyone is having a happy holidays!
1/10/2013 5:57:53 PM
Gaming, 1/12 - You know it! First ABG game day of 2013!

1pm start. Who's coming? What would you like to play?
1/25/2013 6:08:23 PM
4th Saturday gaming,1/26 Gaming is on for tomorrow, don't let the snow scare you!

1pm. Who can make it? Have anything in particular you want to play?
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