5/5/2014 1:10:10 PM
Gaming for May 10th CANCELLED
Regular gaming will resume on the 4th Saturday, 5/24.
For those looking for an alternative, please check the 'members' section of this board (you'll have to be logged in and flagged as a previous attendee, let me know if that is you and you still can't see the section).
5/19/2014 11:57:19 AM
ABG google plus community
I am slowly moving to the use of a google plus community for the Game Day events, though I imagine I will always post about them here, as well.
I encourage everyone to check out the community at https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/100521446956165718736
Probably you can't see much until you are part of the community. It does require the use of a google plus account.. I've been using it fairly heavily for more than a year and find it a useful tool. Let me know if need an invite!
Advantages of using a google plus community:
- Invitation system to game day events that make it easily to reply in-email. - Easy to share with other ABGers, comments, photos, videos, links - Possible google hangouts provides live chat, possible live-streaming of game days. Dunno if we will use this, but it could be fun and/or handy - Integration with most devices, including 'event' functionality that makes it easy to share during the event. Disadvantages - ? If you dislike the idea of google plus or google in general, might not be for you.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems. Of course, you can always create a bogus gmail account to use for this, if you have security concerns. I'm happy to switch over to a real account if need be in the future. There's probably some good way to have notifications forwarded to your 'real' account, as well.
5/19/2014 11:59:09 AM
Game day for May 24th
Gaming is on for May 24th, 1pm.
Event link: https://plus.google.com/events/ct6om0hjkthal6nfrfjcf919bds?authkey=CKX4kYPy5MnyAQ
Or post here if you are coming and what you might like to play.
edit: Clicky Link edited by JohnKerr on 5/19/2014 edited by JohnKerr on 5/19/2014
5/22/2014 12:30:17 PM
ABG google plus community
Ben - you should see an invitation now.
5/22/2014 12:32:52 PM
Game day for May 24th
I am hoping to have a copy of rococo by Saturday (as well as Francis Drake). Jeff has Concordia.
5/27/2014 12:49:41 PM
2nd Saturday gaming for June, June 14th
Start at 1pm, go until whenever. I'm hoping to be prepared to teach at least one new game, probably Medeira.
Google + Event
6/23/2014 10:31:27 AM
Gaming this Saturday, the 28th
This Saturday is a game day! Who is planning on coming by? Please do let me know, so I can plan accordingly.
1pm as normal! What are you looking to play?
6/27/2014 2:31:55 PM
Fourth of July gaming
Who would be interested in some fourth of July gaming this year?
What says 'independence' more than spending your time board gaming??
7/3/2014 5:58:04 PM
Fourth of July gaming
Gaming is on, 1pm start. See you tomorrow!
7/11/2014 9:57:19 AM
2nd Saturday gaming
Happy times, another game day is upon us! July 12th is the 2nd saturday and a game day!
Start at 1pm! who will be coming by? Whatcha want to play?
7/26/2014 2:40:57 AM
4th saturday gaming is on
Late notice, but rest assured that gaming is on for tomorrow (today?)
1pm! Come on by!
8/8/2014 9:57:15 AM
August? Time is flying!
Good grief, it is already August! How are you progressing towards your yearly gaming goals? I know I haven't played nearly as many games as I intended.
Come, we can work on this together! Gaming is on for tomorrow, August 9th, the 2nd saturday game day.
Who will make it? Turn out might be light, as this intersects with WBC...
8/22/2014 4:31:21 PM
August 23rd, 4th Saturday gaming
1pm tomorrow! who will be there?
9/12/2014 7:29:52 PM
2nd saturday gaming
Gaming tomorrow! Yeah!! 1pm!! Holy Crap! Fun!
Who is coming?
9/26/2014 4:39:12 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 9/27 is on
Hey, folks, sorry for the short notice, but gaming tomorrow, 9/27 is possibly cancelled. There is a family situation going on with Sheila (her Aunt had a stroke and isn't recovering) which might require our immediate attention. It is all very much in flux, though, so I will update this either late tonight or early tomorrow to say if it's happening or not. I think it is unlikely I will need to cancel, but possible. Let me know if you think you will attend if it is happening.
Edit - gaming is on! Come on by! edited by JohnKerr on 9/27/2014
9/27/2014 1:43:04 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming, 9/27 is on
Gaming is on!
10/10/2014 11:50:23 AM
2nd Saturday gaming is pretty darn likely!
Gaming, tomorrow at 1pm. 90% likely (and more likely if you tell me you're coming). Check back to be sure, but I think it will be on.
Who can make it?
10/24/2014 10:50:45 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming in October
Bring your tricks, bring your treats, bring yourself to 4th Saturday gaming! 1pm. Tomorrow, the 25th.
Who will be there?
Also, ABG has passed it's 12th year of being a thing. Woop!
11/6/2014 5:37:07 AM
November 2nd Saturday gaming
Saturday, November 8th is the 2nd Saturday, and a game day! We'll start at 1pm. Who is coming by?
11/21/2014 4:03:46 PM
Novenber 22 gaming
Who is ready to give thanks... for board games?! Start at 1pm, Saturdya, 11/22
Who can make it?
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