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2/25/2017 7:06:27 AM
Only two more game days in winter!
It has been a really long time, but I can make it today. I won't be able to make it until around 4:00.
I'll bring Kraftwagen and Troyes. I've been wanting to learn/play Vinci if anyone is up for something older.
6/8/2017 10:34:20 AM
2nd Saturday of June - 6/10
After another long hiatus, I'm planning on being there, but I'll probably be a little late (aiming for 3:00 pm).
I recently got a copy of Historia that I would like to try if there are any takers. I'll also probably bring Deus + Deus: Egypt, and Troyes.
6/8/2017 11:12:55 PM
2nd Saturday of June - 6/10
I'm interested in Age of Industry (although, I've never played before)
Phil Bauer wrote:
I should be there at 1300. Jeff requested Age of Industry, so I will bring that and my shiny copy of Yokohama. I would like to play Historia at some point (I backed on KS and still haven't gotten to play it). I would also be up for Nations. I will also bring Cottage Garden for a filler if we need a 30-45 minute game.
7/7/2017 5:13:05 PM
2nd Saturday, 7-8
I will try to be there no later than 3:00.
I'd love to try Tempus. I also recently got a copy of Word Domination ( if anyone is in the mood for quick-playing, light word games.
7/20/2017 2:21:36 PM
July 22, fourth saturday gaming
I'll be there on time this week (my wife and kid are out of town) -- I'd be happy to play Clash of Cultures.
10/28/2017 7:55:31 AM
Oct 28th, fourth saturday gaming
I'm going to be there at 1. I'll have to go around 4:30 or so.
I recently got a copy of Clans of Caledonia that I think people would like (it is sort of like Terra Mystica meets Marco Polo)
1/13/2018 11:07:50 AM
2nd Saturday gaming, January 13
I might be able to make it today - almost certainly later than 1.
3/23/2018 3:59:33 PM
Spring Gaming - 3/24
I'm going to try to make it. Probably won't be until later in the day 3:00 or 5:00.
6/22/2018 4:05:29 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming - 6/23
I'll plan on being there at 1.
6/23/2018 10:32:14 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming - 6/23
... something came up unexpectedly and I won't be able to make it after all... Brad wrote:
I'll plan on being there at 1.
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