11/12/2021 1:37:28 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Hey, tomorrow is the 2nd Saturday of the month and a game day!
A strong possibility is Dune: Imperium, which at least one person (Chris) has played. I also got a chance to play Pipeline yesterday and ordered a copy to arrive sometime tomorrow, perhaps in time to play!
I'm sure we will have the other recently new options, or many older options. What would you like to play?
11/12/2021 2:47:41 PM
chrisbrandt ( Chris Brandt) Posts: 373 BggId: chrisbrandt
I'd be up for Dune Imperium / Pipeline / ANNO 1800 ... I'd be happy with any of them. I think I can teach Dune pretty effectively. I'd be up for just about anything else, too. I'm probably just there for one game. If we start at 1300, we should be able to teach and play in three hours. Looking forward to it!
PS... I'm always up for Beyond the Sun, too. TECH TREE! TECH TREE! TECH TREE!!!
Chris edited by chrisbrandt on 11/12/2021
11/25/2021 12:27:25 AM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Last game day started with 5, Chris, Marvin, Scott and Mike M. We started out with Nidavellir. Mike went for the miner (orange) cards, developing a solid majority, including the hero. I went for the green hunter cards and managed to get both green heroes, but only a middling collection of standard greens. Scott and Chris both went after the red warrior cards. Scott ended up getting the hero that lets you bid last, which he made good use of. I don't recall exactly which heroes Chris got, but he had a number of them! Marvin went after the purple blacksmith cards, with a solid block of explorer blues to back them up. My major score was 100 for the greens. Mike pulled in a solid 117 for the oranges. Marvin got both 52 for the purples and 46 for the blues. Scott had 78 for the reds and the highest coin scorage of 75. Chris had 65 for the reds, but solid scores in a number of other categories and easily took the win! Chris 232, Scott 203, John 200, Mike 199, Marvin 169.
We followed up with some cooperative gaming with the crew... we got a good starting run, but ran into some trouble around game 6, where we started having to repeat. Five makes it a fair bit more difficult, but fun was had by all. We ended up finishing 8 expeditions before abandoning ship.
That left us with 3, a great number to teach Scott and Mike Anno 1800. All seemed to enjoy it. We each managed to get one turquoise worker and run with that. We used the recommended starter set, which was fine, though the Zoo (+1 point for each visited animal) seemed particularly weak. In the end the scores were fairly tight. Mike dominated on the happy people scoring with 94 points from those cards, but had little end game scoring. Scott and I both had more meager happiness (62 and 67, respectively), but higher end game bonus points. I was able to use a couple of 'discard two cards' effects to cause the game to end a little before anyone was ready, which gave me surprise, the 7 point firework bonus and an extra turn to adjust my population colors to just fit my navigation cards. The fireworks proved key, as I edged out Mike by 7. John 115, Mike 108, Scott 99.