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Home » General » Online Gaming?

3/20/2020 11:45:55 AM

( Chris Brandt)
Posts: 373
BggId: chrisbrandt
With social distancing upon us, I was wondering if anyone is interested in doing some online gaming. I'm mostly referring to async games in which you take a turn and walk away until the next turn comes in, but if I have the time, I do live games, too.
The site is use most is www.yucata.de and out there I'm chrisbrandt

I play Scythe, Terraforming Mars, Lorenzo, and Heroes of Might and Magic VI on steam, where I'm cbrandt300.

I play Through the Ages on www.boardgaming-online.com ... where I think I'm also chrisbrandt. This is a nice implementation for a game that has a lot of administration needed.

I would be interested in learning about boardgame arena, but have not played there.

If you're already playing online or would like to learn about it, reply here or shoot me an email at cbrandt300@gmail.com.

Thanks... and stay well!
3/25/2020 11:25:19 AM

( McJarvis )
Posts: 105
Are the steam games async?

I'd be up for most of this stuff. Feel free to reach out mcjarvis at gmail dot com. I of course have steam, a yucata, boiteajeux.net, boardgaming-online, and boardgamearena accounts. (I'm premium on boardgamearena, which enables me to create tables that non-premium members can join...so we have access to all the games)
edited by McJarvis on 3/25/2020
3/25/2020 12:29:16 PM

( Chris Brandt)
Posts: 373
BggId: chrisbrandt
I don't know if all the Steam games are async. Scythe has a "Play and Go" option, but I don't know how it works. Probably sends you an email or message when your turn is up, like Yucata does.
3/25/2020 9:47:15 PM

( museumme )
Posts: 210

My version of Lorenzo on Steam only lets me play offline. Did I miss an upgrade?
3/26/2020 1:31:52 AM

( Chris Brandt)
Posts: 373
BggId: chrisbrandt
Hi Marvin... No, I think this is still the beta version of Lorenzo, so it may not have all the chrome. Sadly, it hasn't changed in a LONG time, so I don't know if they're even working on it anymore. Terraforming Mars and Scythe have online options.

Also, correction - I play Heroes of Might and Magic V, not HMMVI.


Home » General » Online Gaming?