9/26/2019 4:52:18 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
Shorter days got you down? No problem, we got lights! You won't even miss the sun as you game the day away!
This saturday (the 28th) is a a fourth saturday and a game day! Who is coming by? What would you like to play?
We'll do the normal timing, 12:30 open doors... 1pm gaming starts!
9/27/2019 9:40:10 AM
Larry L. ( Larry L. ) Posts: 199
I'll be there to greet the night! I'll show up at 1 and should be able to stick around until 9 or so. John mentioned he has a newish game called Hadara and I'd like to try that out. Plus, other recent meaty games like Coimbra. And, of course, anything else new that anyone brings. See everybody there!
9/27/2019 2:40:50 PM
Phil Bauer ( Phil Bauer) Posts: 83 BggId: GamesDirect
The boys have late games tomorrow 2PM and 3PM, so I will be there, but not until about 6 or so. I will bring Tapestry. -Phil
9/27/2019 4:17:24 PM
McJarvis ( McJarvis ) Posts: 105
sounds like fun! I'm in @ 1
9/28/2019 10:31:18 AM
egill ( Ed Gilliland) Posts: 107
Yes, modern lighting is a wonderful invention. If the lights work I'll play. Expect to be there at 1:00.
9/28/2019 10:55:11 AM
McJarvis ( McJarvis ) Posts: 105
McJarvis wrote:
sounds like fun! I'm in @ 1
On the bright side, I got another contract job last night. Unfortunately it means I need to skip this game day. See you guys next time!
9/28/2019 2:13:46 PM
Phil Bauer ( Phil Bauer) Posts: 83 BggId: GamesDirect
Sorry all, I can't join today--in addition to the normal Saturday mayhem, I am having a "bad back day" Maybe Oct 12th.
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