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Home » General » Gaming, 2/23

2/22/2019 1:37:34 PM

( John Kerr)
Posts: 1239
BggId: johnkerr
Gaming is on tomorrow. Just a warning, I either have complications from letting the air be dry for too long or a mild cold. At your own risk.. I'll update tomorrow if there are any significant developments, heh. If I get worse, I'll let y'all game.

Anyway, who's planning to come by? What do you want to play?
2/22/2019 2:35:29 PM

Larry L.
Larry L.
( Larry L. )
Posts: 199
No worries about your potential cold, John. Breathing is overrated. So I'll be there from 1 to 6. I'd love to keep on playing the new games: Teotihuacan, Newton, Coimbra, or Key Flow. I'm also up for trying any other new titles. See everyone tomorrow!
2/22/2019 9:19:38 PM

( museumme )
Posts: 210
I have been sniffling a little myself but if I have it under control I’ll be there. I will bring with Tudor again but I’d be interested in either Tenotihuacan or Coimbra.
2/23/2019 9:50:14 AM

Phil Bauer
Phil Bauer
( Phil Bauer)
Posts: 83
BggId: GamesDirect
I do not fear the virus! Now where did I put that Racal suit??

I do, however have a commitment in the early afternoon--I should be there between 4 and 5.

2/23/2019 10:48:41 AM

( Oboewan )
Posts: 533
With the cruise in two weeks, I thinks it’s best that we don’t risk getting a cold. I’ll stop by to bring Chris’ Teotihuacan though!

"Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
2/23/2019 3:40:54 PM

Phil Bauer
Phil Bauer
( Phil Bauer)
Posts: 83
BggId: GamesDirect
I'm out for today. Too many chores.

Home » General » Gaming, 2/23