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Home » General » Gaming 11-10 CANCELLED

11/6/2018 7:33:18 PM

( John Kerr)
Posts: 1239
BggId: johnkerr
So somehow or another I managed to not realize EQ and the first gameday thus month coincided. I already committed myself to EQ.. Is there enough interest in Saturday gaming for me to find a guest host?

That is, who is planning on coming by?

UPDATE 11/9 - Gaming is cancelled for this Saturday, sounds like a lot of folk will be at EQ. My apologies to anyone inconvenienced, I don't have this kind of mix - up often.
edited by JohnKerr on 11/9/2018
11/7/2018 8:13:46 AM

( Rick Bynaker)
Posts: 437
BggId: rbynaker
They bumped EQ by a week this year (prior years it's been on DST weekend, covering the first Saturday of Nov.)

I'm not registered but may go up for MegaCiv if that happens on Saturday. Folks are supposed to sign up in advance and Jamie will let me know how many people we have by Friday night. ABG was actually my backup plan if there's no MegaCiv (since it's tourney-centric, EQ isn't really a good con for something like MegaCiv so I'll be surprised if enough people sign up). Since you're not at ABG then I may end up driving to Baltimore for the day anyway. Or just catch up on stuff around the house.

11/9/2018 8:10:51 AM

Larry L.
Larry L.
( Larry L. )
Posts: 199
I'm planning on showing up if there's a game, from about 1-6 PM. Please let us know one way or another, John. Thanks!
11/9/2018 1:51:12 PM

( John Kerr)
Posts: 1239
BggId: johnkerr
As of now, you're the only one I know is coming, larry, so I guess we are cancelled... my apologies for the mixup! I feel pretty bad about it... at least we could have played some 2p games!
11/9/2018 4:47:10 PM

Larry L.
Larry L.
( Larry L. )
Posts: 199
No worries, John. Sunday is my anniversary, so an extra day spent at home this weekend is probably better for my marriage. Have fun at EQ!
11/9/2018 9:06:22 PM

( Chris Brandt)
Posts: 373
BggId: chrisbrandt
No second Saturday gaming!?!?! I guess I'll do the Larry thing and earn some brownie points by staying home. I will not, of course, mentioned that gaming was canceled.

Home » General » Gaming 11-10 CANCELLED