4/7/2010 2:33:13 PM
johnb229 ( johnb229 ) Posts: 1
Hi! My name is John and I live in the DC-metro area and was directed here from another forum.
I generally like to play A Game of Thrones, Risk, Axis & Allies, and Diplomacy but am very willing to learn other games.
Unfortunately, my current group of friends isn't very interested in playing board games so I thought I'd branch out and see if there's anyone else in DC who shares my interest.
4/8/2010 4:41:59 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1240 BggId: johnkerr
Hi, John!
We're not quite in DC, we're in Ballston. We've been known to occasionally play GoT, but A&A and diplomacy pretty much never hit the table. Why don't you look over the page at: http://arlingtonboardgamers.com/ABGAbout.aspx
And if you're still interested, let me know!
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