4/10/2015 12:41:39 PM
JohnKerr ( John Kerr) Administrator Posts: 1239 BggId: johnkerr
You know what they say, April gaming brings May... uh. Hmm. Second Saturday gaming tomorrow! We conflict with the Gathering, so we'll lose some of the regulars. Come on out and join us! Who is coming by? NOTE: Due to some impressive unawareness by someone, the 'alternate front desk' trailer isn't allowed to be entered by the public due to a lack of permits. To gain entry, hit one of the doorbells on the trailer stairways (without going on the stairs) and tell them you need to get in to 717 for gaming and they'll buzz you in.
4/10/2015 1:09:18 PM
museumme ( museumme ) Posts: 210
Since I have no idea what the "Gathering" is, I will be gathering with you for some board games in Arlington. Marvin
4/10/2015 1:12:42 PM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
Wish I could make it this weekend! I have 2pm and 8pm Secret Garden shows. I don't know if Molly will be showing up or not.
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
4/11/2015 9:02:53 AM
egill ( Ed Gilliland) Posts: 107
I can come for the afternoon...will depart for the evening. Never heard of the Gathering either. People gathering to be abducted by aliens from outer space?
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