3/31/2014 10:04:25 PM
 dashmudtz ( Matt Schmaltz) Posts: 46 BggId: dashmudtz
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Brings up an interesting discussion. I actually do not approve of your f7 placement. If you are interested in it I will explain my thoughts.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Halflings (Fortuna)
You mean, because you were planning to place on E10?
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Because black was in the game. If you look at that part of the map, brown has a lot of potential, but all of it requires building through black spaces. There really isn't any way around it.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Also in that area, brown's second color is yellow, which only leads into corners and doesn't further connect to more brown or black spaces. Where as Black is the opposite. If brown is cut off, the blue spaces are centrally located, and lead to other spaces that are only 1 spade.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
So I really feel that if black is already picked, either don't pick brown, or pick it assuming you are going to the other half of the map.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Especially if it is darklings. Alchemists are a little more flexible at playing the other part of the board, but still the same general idea applies.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Halflings (Fortuna)
So Darklings always start there?
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Halflings (Fortuna)
and by "start" I mean "double-place"
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Not required, I like having one there and 1 on another continent. However if people give me the impression they are gonna fight over it, I will gladly start both. Black can easily form 2 towns in that small space, and it usually ends up with the other person not getting a town out of their initial placement, or a whole lot more work for them than what it was worth.
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
Alternately there is an option where you can place over there with a few races that need a lot of power. Use it to build a cheap temple and leach power 2 at a time while being built around. Then use your other placement in a better location. and just use it as a power generator
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz)
I personally feel that is best with a placement that can get a 3 tile town and reaches the coast for sailing if the end game opportunity presents itself
1 month 8 days ago, round 0, turn 0
Darklings (Dashmudtz) for example f6. dwarves can get a fair amount of power from that spot, then tunnel out. edited by dashmudtz on 3/31/2014
4/2/2014 9:21:30 AM
 benfellow ( benfellow ) Posts: 48
I haven't selected brown yet on any games on the site. I feel like it would require a board set up for it correctly, and then I feel like they would be better served when going first, so you have the last placement. I think the last placement is a much larger advantage than a double placement. I feel like if you are going to do turn order in game, it would be interesting to allow placement choices, even a round robin or choosing when to place would be really interesting to me. I think if you did allow for something like that. That the choice to place last would be the first thing picked every time.