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Home » General » Help Aalok with a research project!

3/22/2013 1:21:26 PM

( aalok )
Posts: 14
Hi all,

Aalok here. Even though I've moved to Boston/Los Angeles, I'm hoping most of you know me as a former ABG regular, who still makes it to events when I am in town.

I've asked John, and he said it would be ok to ask members of ABG to help out on a research project I am working on for school. The project involves mapping ABG's social network and using that to investigate the diffusion of innovations (as represented by new board games). What does this mean for you? It would involve taking a very quick survey online - just 5 minutes or so - involving some basic questions about board games and who you talk about board games with. Your data will be treated anonymously. There aren't any difficult or particularly personal questions involved, and I'd be happy to share any results I get with anyone who is interested.

I'm hoping for responses from as many people as possible, whether you are a veteran member, have moved elsewhere, or have joined recently. Basically, if you've been to a single ABG event.

The survey can be found here: https://uscannenberg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_dhYeBYpCnFG2kDz

Please let me know if you have any questions (direct contact information is provided on the first page of the survey if you need it). Again, it would only take you a few minutes and help me out tremendously.

edited by aalok on 3/28/2013

Home » General » Help Aalok with a research project!