10/22/2009 1:53:17 PM
rbynaker ( Rick Bynaker) Posts: 437 BggId: rbynaker
Gaming this weekend anyone?
10/22/2009 1:56:17 PM
Oboewan ( Oboewan ) Posts: 533
I should be there at somepoint... I have a rehearsal at 1 at a church in Arlington and I need to be up in McLean at 5:30 so I should be able to stop in for a game and then maybe more after the concert.
-- "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who posts after him?"
10/23/2009 10:41:15 AM
EricP ( EricP ) Posts: 21
I'll be there.
Does anyone have the Age of Conan board game, by any chance? I read a BGG review that interested me.
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