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McJarvis - all messages by user

6/8/2018 2:14:18 PM
Hey, ho, who's up for some gaming? June 9th sounds like fun

(also I will come)
6/22/2018 11:29:51 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming - 6/23 sounds like fun

I'd like to try great western trail again.
6/23/2018 10:15:35 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming - 6/23 I won’t be there until 3
7/27/2018 3:47:56 PM
Fourth Saturday gaming, July 28th I want to play Santa Maria again. (With the correct rules this time!)
7/28/2018 6:04:37 AM
Fourth Saturday gaming, July 28th I can't make it today after all. Have fun without me!
8/10/2018 4:02:31 PM
August 11 gaming I can make it this week for sure. I'd be up for learning a new game.
9/6/2018 5:49:52 PM
4th Saturday gaming! JohnKerr wrote:
As crazy as it seems, we are nearing the end of august! Soon, we will be watching the leaves change and temperatures drop... all through the windows as we game!

Fourth Saturday of August is this Saturday, we will start gaming at ~1pm, though feel free to drop by anytime after 12:30.

What would you like to play?

We were promised dropping temperatures by now, weren't we?
9/7/2018 5:18:36 PM
Sept 8th game day, 9/8 at 12:30/1pm. Larry L. wrote:
Aw, you never let us bring bats! I'll be there, from 1 PM to about 6 or so. It's time to vote for the IGA awards, so there's a couple of games I need to play. One is Rajas of the Ganges and the other is Santa Maria. I'd love to play one or both of them tomorrow. (I'll be bringing Santa Maria and I'm hoping Ganges will be available. I also would like to try out Pulsar 2849, but I don't think anyone in the group has it.) Anyway, if that isn't possible, there's plenty of other stuff I'll be up for. See everyone tomorrow. Squeeeeek!

I got to play Ganges last time I showed up, so I'm pretty sure there is a copy floating around somewhere.

I'd be up for either of those. I Should be there by 1ish.
9/21/2018 12:27:02 AM
Fall into some 4th Saturday gaming! sounds like fun I'm in
9/21/2018 12:21:04 PM
Fall into some 4th Saturday gaming! oh...I have some interest in learning to play endeavor, if anyone is willing to teach an older game.
10/26/2018 3:13:08 PM
Spoooky gaming! 10/27 I'll be there. I'd like to play Fields of Arle 3 player, though as usual I'm always up for learning new stuff too.
12/26/2018 6:43:32 PM
12/31 gaming sounds like fun

I'm in. when is opening time?
edited by McJarvis on 12/26/2018
1/11/2019 2:07:56 PM
Gaming, 2019! I'm holding out a bit before making a decision, but if the time to head over comes and the weather reports are still warning about snow, I will just sit this one out.
3/9/2019 4:05:02 AM
One step shy of spring gaming I will be there at 1
3/23/2019 12:23:43 AM
3/23 gaming! Are you game for spring? Well if Larry won't be there, I will be sure to show up! (with donuts )
4/12/2019 4:20:02 PM
4/13 gaming I'm free to show up (and play games)
4/26/2019 2:47:23 PM
4/27 gaming JohnKerr wrote:

It amuses me that the quoted source material in this reference is a broken hyperlink to an e-mail that has been removed.

I'll be there on Saturday.
5/10/2019 5:14:34 PM
5/11 gaming is on! Would love to come, but sadly Carrie sprained her ankle badly on the way to work this morning. She (perhaps reasonably) would like me to stay home tomorrow to wait on her hand and foot. (ankle?)

See you guys in June! Enjoy Brass without me.
6/7/2019 8:08:34 PM
June 8th, second Saturday, gaming is on! Well if Larry is going to be there I guess I'll attend as well.
6/14/2019 2:32:51 PM
Game Sale Backstory: My wife needed to get her tattoos touched up and I offered to sell some games to cover the cost. It turns out tattoos are way more expensive than I estimated

So, I'm going to be selling some games on BGG in a little bit, but I thought I'd make an offer to locals first. Per the way Chris did things a while back, I'm going to say "No reasonable Offer Refused". All of these should be in like-new condition unless otherwise noted. (most of them haven't left my game shelves for very long)

Power Grid Bundle. Condition (I'd like to sell all of this together, but I'm willing to sell off the expansions as single items)
{Power Grid
Power Grid The New Power Plant Cards
Power Grid: the Robots
Maps(includes separate box for the maps): France/Italy, China/Korea, Brazilk/Spain&Portugal, Russia/Japan

Grand Austria Hotel
Automobile - Mayfair Edition- Wooden Car meeples included - Good condition
Hotel Samoa
Patchistory (includes promo leaders, which also includes one of the best portraits of Nixon I've ever seen)
Princes of Florence - Includes expansion
Ave Caesar
Steam Over Holland
Lowenherz-- poor condition (lots of warping, as lowenherz always is like)
Nations + Nations Expansion
Viticulture + Tuscany expansion (essential editions)
Pandemic Rising Tide
Homesteaders (non-moldy edition)
Medici vs Strozzi - box corner is split
Fairy Tale
City of Industry
Revolution(The Dutch Revolt)
Le Havre
Agricola+G-deck+Farmers of the Moore expansion
Stronghold (original edition, includes BGG mini leader expansion)-- played condition
Paris Connection (queen games edition)
Clans of Caledonia
Vinhos(first edition)
Dos Rios
Quarriors/Quarmageddon/Rise of the Demons -- In a flat box, not the tin
Bluff!(liars dice with 6 player cups)

edited by McJarvis on 6/14/2019
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