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Oboewan - all messages by user

3/9/2013 12:05:32 PM
March 9th 2nd saturday gaming Jan Louis wrote:
Ill be there also ! but I will need to leave around 7-8ish. Jeff - lets get Merchant of Venus in early !

Jan- I'll set it up when I get there. Hopefully we can find one or two non-Larry's to join us
3/23/2013 11:00:46 AM
March 23rd, 4th Saturday gaming I'll be there and would enjoy getting MoV in since Jan was evil last month
4/17/2013 5:22:15 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming, April 12th Well.... it WAS going to be Ninjato, but Chris ran out before I had time to run home and get it Cool
4/26/2013 1:14:25 PM
4th Saturday Gaming, 4/27 rbynaker wrote:
Cheryl and I plan to be there at 1pm but we need to leave around dinner time.

I've been craving Macao for a while.

edited by rbynaker on 4/25/2013

I have to be back at my place by 3:30.... should be able to get Macao in after lunch
6/7/2013 11:03:49 AM
2nd Saturday of June I'll second a game of Terra Mystica! Should be there by 2 at the latest
6/11/2013 11:39:26 AM
Using google events for game days in the future? I'd be down with that
6/21/2013 3:53:27 PM
4th Saturday! I'll be there at the start but have to head off to La Mancha around 7
7/1/2013 3:25:07 PM
4th of July gaming I'll be there! Anyone up for lunch before gaming?
7/4/2013 10:14:42 PM
4th of July gaming Tzolk'in Score:
Jeff 65

Larry 58

Aalok 66
7/9/2013 4:59:07 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming, 7/13 Woohoo!
7/9/2013 4:59:51 PM
WBC 2013 rbynaker wrote:
Is anyone planning on attending WBC this year?

Cheryl and I plan to tack that on to the end of our New England vacation. If all goes according to plan we should get to Lancaster on Wednesday night and game Thursday thru Saturday.

Shameless plug for anyone who wants more con info:



I'll be there Monday through Sunday and expect to play a ton of Merchant and Crayon Rails ;-)
7/9/2013 5:07:55 PM
2nd Saturday Gaming, 7/13 Also, Doug and Anni are planning to come down to DC this weekend and are staying at my place. They're free Saturday evening and I'm hoping they will stop by for some games!
8/24/2013 2:16:13 AM
4th saturday gaming is on I'll be there am will have YEDO again along with Legendary
9/13/2013 3:39:46 PM
2nd Saturday gaming in September Anyone interested in playing some Descent 2nd edition?
10/11/2013 3:41:11 PM
ABG tomorrow? Are we having gaming as usual tomorrow? Anyone want to meet for lunch beforehand?

See you!

10/23/2013 4:20:06 PM
Gaming, 10/26 I'll be there at the start but am seeing Robbie Schaefer at Jammin Java so will need to leave 4:30-5
10/25/2013 4:09:27 PM
Gaming, 10/26 I'll have both Canterbury and Firefly with me.
edited by Oboewan on 10/25/2013
10/30/2013 2:35:33 PM
Doctor who in the theater There's a group going from the JOCO Cruise I was thinking about going with, but it looks like it's only being offered in 3D. I may just pass on the "theater" experience for this one and enjoy in the comfort of my own home.
11/8/2013 1:07:41 PM
2nd Saturday gaming, 11/09 I'll be there!
11/8/2013 2:57:10 PM
2nd Saturday gaming special guest! Awesome!
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